CAVEAT! I have not been able to confirm that the detective mentioned in the emails actually sent them. All the offices from MDPD are closed for business at this time.

If it turns out to be a hoax, I will issue a very public apology. But if not, I just want to get this out there published.

I replied what was this misunderstanding about. I rather have written emails since I have no way to record phone conversations and I would like to have some sort of electronic trail.

While waiting for a reply, I googled the name and he is mentioned in at least one local news item and as Kendall District Officers of the Month for November 2017.

My guess would be the gentleman in the middle is Detective Klurman.

About 30 minutes later, I get this reply:

I replied

But he does not budge.

But I just simply do not feel comfortable when people do not want to leave evidence of the exchange.

The Old readers will remember my dear old hater @SFDB. Well he is the one that tagged me to MDPD and the FBI. Apparently he thinks I am gonna go postal against cops because of this post or he is just trying to get be SWATed or silence me.

I see I am still living rent-free in Rick’s cranial penthouse after these many years. And as we have been talking all this time, the Left want you dead or under submission, only Rick needs to have a third party do the work for him.

I am gonna go ahead and publish what I have so far for the record. I will update or create a new post with any new developments.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

23 thoughts on “Just got an interesting Email from a Miami Dade Police detective.”
  1. By all means keep us updated. I think, in all likelihood, the guy is honestly trying to be sure that there was not a threat. Still, I agree that it needs to be handled by emails, for the record, and if you choose to meet the gentleman at a public location of mutual convenience, be sure to take both a recording device AND a companion. My dear friend and brother Mike Vanderboegh taught me the importance of such things, back in the day. God bless.

    1. I miss ol’ Mike. He could be prickly, but he ‘rode hard, shot straight, and spoke the truth’.

      God only knows what he’d have made of current events.

  2. I am puzzled by his insistence to talk rather than have a written exchange. Good that he eventually gave in, but the push for not having a written record is disturbing.

    Do you have a microphone that plugs into your computer? I’ve used that as a makeshift phone call recording tool: just tape it to the telephone handset and run an audio recording program. Of course I first looked up the laws about recording, which told me (since the other party was in FL) to notify him of the recording at the start of the call.

    1. Someone posted this video a number of years ago, and made me realize what a bad idea this is. I’ve actually had to show my wife this video, and then have a discussion with our son to make him realize how bad an idea this is.

      By the way, this video is a lawyer talking to (I believe) a group of college students studying to be lawyers, followed by a police officer that essentially agrees, you shouldn’t talk to them.

  3. One of the interesting tidbits of american law is that anything you say can be used against you. It doesn’t have to be recorded. It can be just the cops written notes. But nothing you say can be used in your defense as that is hearsay.

    As for the detective, it is much easier to get somebody to say something without thinking than to get them to write something

    1. You reminded me of something: years back I asked Dad(LEO) about testifying in court, and one of the things he said was “Take your time to answer a question. Some people start asking questions faster and faster to get you to say something without thinking. They ask a question, think about it before you answer it.”

      He said it really pissed off people trying to game you that way.

  4. I doubt it’s anything to worry much about. I can see it being upsetting and intimidating, but I bet that they are required to “investigate” any official complaint or warning lodged with them, and he just needs to put in a few minutes talking to you, get you to say “I have no intention of attacking law enforcement officers” (of course if you don’t say that, if might go South somehow). And/or they figure having a Detective personally drop you a line will make you back off the rhetoric anyway. Somehow I can’t imagine the cops really care much, unless you’ve got a hardcore Democrat officer. Then you might have problems.
    What I think is scary is that this guy is literally watching you, reading every single thing you post, obsessively hoping for that one little thing you say that he can use to get you in trouble with. “Someday, my Precious, someday he’ll say the wrong thing when he’s not thinking, and then….and then will be OUR day, Precious! Our sweet, sweet revenge!”
    The kind of person that will religiously read a blog that they loathe and despise, just hoping and praying that sooner or later you’ll say just the wrong thing, and they can run and tattle to Teacher and have you arrested and your life ruined…that’s scary stuff right there.
    Hiring a lawyer can’t hurt in any case.

    1. One of my old blogging personas has/had a contract issued by the Chavistas because I used the name of Chavez in vain and ridicule while he was alive.

      A snitch complain by Rick the Dick to MDPD?

  5. I dont see what you stand to gain by talking to him. OTOH, you can get a red flag order even if you don’t get a criminal charge

    1. That would suck… But I sure as hell I would call on every Second Amendment Lawyer in the country. Specially with this blog’s long track record of support for LEOs, it would be seen as purely political move for Miami Dade. .

  6. Miguel, I have an Android phone and I recently installed an app called Phone Recorder (icon is a green phone on a dark red circle) that automatically records all incoming AND outgoing phone calls. Love it!

    You’re welcome.

  7. I’d lawyer up just to prevent any “surprises” from the MDPD & to sue mister-pearl-clutcher @SFDB for slander at a minimum.

  8. It is easy enough to verify who the message came from by examining the message header in an analyzer tool. If youd like specifics feel free to email me or reply here.

    1. The other question, assuming the headers confirm the sender, is whether is indeed the Miami-Dade police department. It’s mighty odd for them to use a .com domain name, though I suppose it could have been picked due to ignorance or laziness. I tried to find out by looking up the registration (“whois”) but that was entirely uninformative.

      1. The header will always tell you where the email came from and if it was spoofed, but good point on domain name; its not a guarantee its not legit but another point to consider.

        You can always call the police department, have them route you to his desk phone or cell and ask him if he sent you an email. Then continue talking to him by email.

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