I am done with HostGator. Their “Optimized WordPress” hosting service simply ain’t but a bait and switch to get you to upgrade from the basic hosting account. “You are using too many resources! You should try our coolest service!” and then when you crash and bitch, well, it is because you are using too much allotted memory and need to upgrade again to our VERY expensive services.

Fool me once….

So, screw them. I am open to suggestions. I am not a computer genius nor is J. Kb. so I need as simple as possible. I can find my way around a control panel and play with some of the stuff, but I do not want to code anything or go movie hacker. My site is a tool, not a display of how cool I make websites. If you are thinking Korth revolvers, I am thinking Glock 19.

There are 2 domain names active but only GFZ will have a live site presence. The other one can survive with a solitary home page and a healthy email system.

The floor is open,



Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Looking for a new WebHost”
  1. Hostgator is starting to fuck with me, too.

    They’re owned by a company called EIG. EIG owns almost ALL the web hosting companies so if you jump ship you gotta make sure you’re not just switching from Buick to Chevy and thinking you’re rid of GM.

    I got an email from a “malware scanning” company or somesuch saying I had malware on my site. I emailed Hostgator to see if it was legit. They took 3 weeks to respond.

    In the meantime, I got emailed by a specific person at that malware scanning service so I decided to play along for a little bit. They wouldn’t give me a list of what they found, just a screenshot with some posts of a defacement that happened on one of my sites 4 years ago. I did some research and it turns out that to get the full list they are going to want $200. And they’re owned by….wait for it….EIG. I removed the stuff they screenshotted and asked for the full list but they stopped responding to me when I told them I wouldn’t pay them or call them.

    Hostgator’s response was “oh, yeah, they’re a third party company we have a relationship with. You are not required to use their services, but we’ll shut your account down if they tell us they found malware and you don’t clean it up.”

    So I asked them for the list that SiteLock sent them. They told me I’d have to pay SiteLock for the list if I wanted to see it.

    I’m simultaneously not required to use them but also required to use them.

    This is the actual legal definition of extortion.

    1. I found exactly what you saw re: other webhosts. I had to dump the theme I bought and went with the basic one. It was pretty much the only way to stop getting the error messages.
      They have a not-quite-monopoly going…

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