By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “Looks like more f**kery in the Georgia election”
  1. Why is everyone so surprised? The DemonKKKrats did warn everyone last week that it would take them several days/weeks to complete their election cheating shenanigans, again.

    To borrow one of their most misused phrases: when someone tells you/shows you who they are, believe them.

    The GOP got caught with their pants down last November elections (and many times before that but I digress). They should have ubber prepared for this crap today. If they didn’t then get ready for the inauguration of the Peoples Republik of North America. SMH

  2. Nothing to see here people.

    Just ask Murkowski, Romney, and Collins. Everything that seems odd about an election surely has a plausible explanation. Besides, even if there were a few oddities, the outcome would remain the same. Better to protect the voter’s confidence in the system.

    Seriously, this is the direct result of 3/4 of the eGOP going around saying that it is time to move on.

    No Republican will ever get elected again.

    1. And then Mitch McConnell decided to insert poison pill items into the $2,000/person COVID relief bill, assuming that the Democrats considered it “must-pass” legislation, and defying the Republican President in the process.

      And he’s also “looking forward” to “working with President Joe Biden”.

      He just signed the GOP’s death certificate.

      As an aside, the wife and I are “moving on” from the election fraud brouhaha. Not because we believe the election wasn’t fraudulent, or that President Trump doesn’t have a solid evidentiary case (and standing … but we’ll see what the Roberts SCOTUS says about that; they don’t seem to think anyone has standing for anything these days, not even the one person directly harmed by the f**kery). Simply that it seems “the fix is in”, Joe Biden will be sworn in as President on January 20th (and even if the investigations do prove fraud, what will they do? kick him out of office? hah!), and so we’re preparing for life in the new Democratic People’s Republic of Amerika.

      Still steaming mad about the illegitimate means by which the Republic fell, but with all peaceful means exhausted (especially here in Oregon, where most people are celebrating the fall of Trump … because TRUMP!!!), and getting too old for non-peaceful ones, what else are we to do?

  3. “Pole workers”?

    You mean, like, “exotic dancers”?

    I think they were supposed to say “poll workers”. Words mean things.

    Then again, at least some of those workers sold out their personal integrity to service someone else’s goals, so maybe “pole workers” is the more accurate phrasing.

    Or it could just be another example of “Layers and layers of editorial oversight”.

    I’ll let you decide.

  4. “Mr. Raffensperger shot back in his midday status report, saying that “a small number” of keys used to start voting machines had not been programmed properly and “a few” cards used by poll workers to activate touch-screen machines also had programming issues.

    All of the issues “were resolved by 10 a.m.,” he wrote. “At no point did voting stop as voters continued casting ballots on emergency ballots, in accordance with the procedures set out by Georgia law.”

    Sometimes a simple google search kills your narrative…but then again, that’s why you don’t do them.

    1. It’s the shenanigans that are going to happen with those conveniently untallied ballots. You can’t be that trusting.

    2. It was resolved by 10AM. That is not really the problem.

      And, how many ballots were dropped into lock boxes, and who exactly will be counting them? Is there an audit trail to ensure each ballot is properly counted? Will the worker obscure the windows or send the observers out of the room during the counting?

      Not sure when the polls opened, but I tend to think several thousand ballots were cast earlier than 10AM. Would not surprise me one bit to find out they were all votes for the Democrats. 100%.

  5. Why are they even using those machines????
    Yup same old same old. The dems are gonna win and America gets fukked. Im ssooi tired of this shit.
    If they win its gonna be a shit show from now on. Bohica x 1000

  6. Wow, what are the odds. The Dems are winning, but by just enough of a percentage to avoid questions about election integrity.

    Like I said above. No Republican will ever get elected again.

    1. Update:
      Beginning to look like decisive victories for the Dems. Up by 4.5-5% depending on race.
      Very different from the polling numbers I saw yesterday that had the Republicans up by about the same percentage.

      They are not even trying to hide it.

  7. The Republican Party justifies its failures by citing the big theatrical fight they put on. They then promise they will fight harder next time, only to fail again. And again. And again.

    This failure theater has been going on repeatedly for decades, since Ronald Reagan was president. I had been saying for years before the NRA scandal blew up that the NRA didn’t WANT to win the gun debate, because having a boogieman was too profitable. The Republicans are doing the same thing- there is a lot of money to be made by pretending to be the hard fighting underdog.

  8. The democrats ‘won’. Not surprised going to be an interesting 2022 when the democrats win every single house and senate race.

    Expect the ban of gun and ammo sales online, universal background checks, and the complete and total ban of all semi-auto rifles with mandatory turn all to be upheld by a packed SCOTUS when at least 6 new senate seats are created when they give a couple of territories statehood.

    And with that there is only one box left. Which is going to be taken away in the next 4 months. At this point the republic is dead. Along with tens of not hundreds of millions of American citizens.

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