Copy/paste from another source.

Here is my worst-case impeachment scenario.

A. Adam Schiff’s kangaroo inquiry secretly drafts articles of impeachment. Their validity matters not one whit.

B. The articles of impeachment (valid or bogus, it doesn’t matter) go to the house floor. It passes easily, with every Democrat and some GOP congressmen voting to send it to the senate for an impeachment trial.

C. Mitch McConnell immediately moves for a full Senate trial. He has already said he would do this, and I think I know why: his family is just as corrupt as the Biden family, and he wants Trump’s swamp-draining to end ASAP, before Trump’s anti-corruption push eventually moves on to other corrupt senators, including himself.

D. 20+ GOP senators vote to convict Trump, shocking the nation and the world, and leading to his removal from office.

IMHO, some GOP senators will do it to hide their own corruption from further examination. Some will do it because of their personal animosity toward President Trump. Some will do it because they are already under deep state (corrupt FBI/CIA) blackmail control. Some will do it for the favors they will be promised following Trump’s removal. Some will do it because they are just plain ornery contrarians.

Here is a list of 18 GOP senators who I think could vote to convict Trump in a full senate impeachment trial. Throw in a few total surprises (blackmail, etc) and the result might just shock the world. They only need 20. Here is my list of 18 (so far) potential GOP votes against Trump. Please let me know if you totally disagree with any of these possible votes to convict Donald Trump, or if you have some more senate GOP names for my list.

1. Mitch McConnell KY
2. Mitt Romney UT
3. Ben Sasse NE
4. Susan Collins ME
5. Ron Johnson WI
6. Richard Burr NC
7. Roger Wicker MS
8. Lisa Murkowski AK
9. Lamar Alexander TN
10 Mike Lee UT
11. Marco Rubio FL
12. Joni Ernst IA
13. Martha McSally AZ
14 Cory Gardner CO
15. Roy Blunt MO
16. Rob Portman OH
17. Pat Toomey PA
18. Rand Paul KY

If you don’t know Matthew Bracken, start with his book Enemies: Foreign and Domestic.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Matthew Bracken’s Impeachment Scenario.”
  1. I don’t think they understand what the potential consequences of this could be. I hope this scenario never pans out. People won’t take this sitting down. We’re long past that point – the corruption is too well known.

  2. Gee… Murkowski is on the list of likely pro-convict votes.

    What are the odds???? Oh… right. She might as well be a dem.

  3. So then PENCE become President amd immediately appoints new heads of the DOJ, FBI, NSA who are charged wtih dragging every person who voted to impeach, to a star chamber trial, after which a quiet incarceration for a life sentence is imposed on all the heads of the democrat party and turncoat repubican quislings; swamp drained.

    1. Remember there was a notion floated around (on the nut case TV show “The View” I believe) that Pence should also be impeached & removed, which (if done before a new VP could be appointed) would make Pelosi president.
      It’s a bit of a stretch to imagine that, but if were to come to pass it would have to be called the Pelosi Putsch.

      1. The scenario that there might be enough republican senators to vote to convict Trump is vastly more probable than even those same Senators voting to convict Pence if Pelosi could manage to impeach him as well.

    2. This reply belongs to Julian above. I really wish he was correct, but I doubt it. Here is why.

      The same man, who as Governor of Indiana backed down to the MSM and LGBT Crowd and gutted Indiana’s Religious Protection Laws? That Pence?

      I am also sure the same US Senate that just by a vote of two thirds present and voting; will happily advise and consent on the appointment of these mysterious new people charged with justifiably destroying their lives. Sure.

  4. All due respect to Mr. Bracken, but he’s reading a couple things here that I think aren’t true.

    Cocaine Mitch has been given a free hand during Trump’s reign; it makes absolutely no sense for him to turn on Trump now. His offer to ‘hold an impeachment vote’ isn’t in good faith; he’s mocking the Dems because they know they can’t even collect the votes to get it out of the House. THREE TIMES they’ve tried.

    I appreciate his candor and keeping both eyes on the swamp is paramount. But I think he’s shy of the mark on this one.

  5. The House “Impeachment Inquiry” is a travesty of a Kangaroo Court Secret Star Chamber. It is all secret testimony behind the closed doors of the Intelligence Committee, not public testimony in the House of Representatives before the public. UNLIKE EVERY PREVIOUS IMPEACHMENT INVESTIGATION! President Trump and the Republicans have been denied every right to defend the President, and call witnesses for the President.

    I can see Speaker Pelosi ramming through the articles of impeachment in a no debate, no discussion party line vote, likely held in the middle of the night on a holiday eve, just like Obamacare was rammed through.

    Then Cocaine Mitch gets to hold trial in the US Senate, presided over by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. President Trump and his defense team will get to actually defend the President.

    At that point I fully expect President Trump to go scorched earth. He should immediately declassify every document, every conversation, and call every witness to this trumped up putsch to provide testimony under oath. Lay it all out in Public on C-Span while he barnstorms the nation holding rallies and raining hellfire down on the conspirators.


    This could have all been avoided if the Democrats had acted rationally after President Trump was elected. He even offered an olive branch by saying he was not going to investigate Hillary Clinton. Hell those crazy idiots and the corrupt NeverTrumpers drove him into the arms of the Conservative Republicans. I hate to think what Democrat Wetdreams would have been passed if they had only flattered and cozied up to President Trump in the first month of his term. He would have been happy to be bipartisan if they gave him money for the military and the wall; and passed his VA reforms like they did.

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