It is no secret that the Miami herald hates Governor DeSantis possibly even more than President Trump. And you can almost see Fabiola Santiago foaming at the mouth in her latest column addressing the governor’s proposed bill we covered yesterday .  She defends the Liberal Right to harass and threat people inside business and even destroy it because let’s face it, you should not have private property when they need to shove shit in your face is concerned.

But she serves her “best” for last:

But most telling of all is DeSantis’ call for an expansion of the troublesome and controversial Stand Your Ground Law to allow business owners to shoot looters or anyone involved in “criminal mischief.”

He calls it “anti-mob” legislation, but it’s an endorsement of vigilantes and of murder for a minor criminal offense.

It’s as if Florida, which let George Zimmerman get away with murdering a Black teen, didn’t already have enough vigilantes and wannabe vigilantes. But these are criminals the GOP likes because the ones we often hear about are Trump supporters.

His idol dethroned, Gov. Ron DeSantis is fashioning a fascist, gun-happier Florida | Opinion

And in case you missed it, this is the part of the proposed bill she thinks threatens life in Florida as we know it.

Dear Fabiola, I guess the Miami Herald no longer have a legal department but a subscription with LegalZoom so there are a couple of points I should mention: Arson? Not a right protected by the First Amendment and also a Forcible Felony under Florida Law for a long time. Same is for Burglary even if it is done under the cover of “Mostly Peaceful Demonstration.”

And in case you forgot how to Google, here is the relevant Florida Statute.

And the Zimmerman Eternal Lie? It is an automatic “gimme” every time the words Stan Your Ground are used by  Republican specially if in an elected position, it does not matter that SYG was not claimed in the defense of Zimmerman by his legal team at any time during his trial.  Liberals and Democrats still hate that law with all their might and if they can lie and lie about what happened with their sainted Trayvon, they will do so.

And by the way Fabiola, Fascist do not let citizens have weapons. Apparently is bad for them because they can be shot when they get bossy and want to impose shit. Fascists, just like you, want people disarmed and compliant to the whims of the selected few including invading their places of business and robbing them blind before setting it on fire.

I am glad I was able to clear that up for you.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Miami Herald Columnist really spews the hate and lies.”
  1. They always go to the Zimmerman lie because it’s the only “example” of a stand your ground “Vigilante moment” they can think of. That SYG was never invoked in that case is irrelevant. The narrative lie (that they helped create) is that a racist “White Hispanic” stalked and murdered an “innocent” black teen for no reason.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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