“Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

What is sad is that what the Herald is doing is openly supporting the persecution of civilians who dared show the chaos in Guayaquil. The government of Socialist Lenin Moreno announces what their intentions really are:

Ecuador officials believe they’re being attacked by a well organized group intent on toppling the administration.
“We’re working with our intelligence services to follow these clues,” Arroba told the Miami Herald. “But there seems to be a clear goal of destabilizing the government.”

Which is the usual excuse from these Latin socialist countries when shit gets out of hand. Hell, Chavez “revealed” a new coup attempt every six months like clockwork when he was alive.

The country has seen 3,646 cases and 339 deaths. That’s more coronavirus cases than any other Latin American nation but Brazil and Chile.

I went to check the John Hopkins database and they are still showing this slide:

You know what? Elections have consequences. Nothing changes down there in South America.  The truth is buried as deep as they can bury the bodies and you best forget or you will end up in the next grave over.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Miami Herald goes out to pitch for the Socialist Government of Ecuador.”
  1. “Miami Herald goes out to pitch for the Socialist Government of Ecuador.”

    And this is my shocked face: 😐

  2. I’ve got a co worker with relatives down there. As if the videos weren’t enough, accounts of people on the ground confirm that the Miami Herald is in fact fake news.

  3. I can see (not really) how burning bodies in the street could be faked. Not so much all the private vehicles, converted into makeshift hearses, lining up to bring dead relatives into the cemetery. If all those people are complicit in faking the magnitude of the problem to make the government look bad, it’s time for Sr. Moreno to pack up his ill gotten gains and board a flight for Havana.

  4. All they really had to do was say something like “Apparently a distraught relative made an unwise, grand gesture by trying to burn their loved-one’s corpse in the street,”

    Instead “it’s all faked by people trying to overthrow us”. I’m surprised they didn’t out-and-out claim it was made up by the CIA or Mossad.

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