A murder suspect was being pursued by cops and rather than allowing himself to be caught, he sucked the barrel of the gun he was carrying. And all this happening in public.

And I figure less than scrupulous bastards, spread the word that he was executed by the police initiating a riot or also know as a 100% off fire sale.

Is there any doubt all of this social disruption is being on purpose?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Minneapolis rioting because of misinformation (Graphic video)”
  1. Ya know how the gun grabbers want to hold EVERYONE who touched the gun all the way up to the president of the gun company responsable when a crime/ self defense is commited?? Why cant we do that with these “protests” ??? Hold the press and tv news complacent politicians accountable for millions in destruction…. I know, keep dreaming

  2. Notice how he disturbed the coffee break of all those hard working employees? The foot traffic downtown is way, way down due to the Chinese Coronavirus, Homeless, and bands of wandering yutes.

    When the mass looting under the cover of “protests” started, most of the participants drove downtown to join the fun and the Black Wednesday Riot Sales. The newscasters relaying the police requests were imploring the people watching to call anyone they knew in the melee downtown to go home. The crowds were building rapidly, and there were actual traffic jams on Nicollet and several other streets from the cars of the looters as they stopped to grab what they could. Finally they closed all the freeway exits into Minneapolis.

    This time the Boy Wonder Mayor Frey actually acted quickly. He declared an emergency curfew, and requested help. Governor Walz didn’t take four days to approve the State Highway Patrol and Department of Corrections officers to go to Minneapolis. Some National Guard were called out, and they actually made it to the streets last night.

    But there were not enough cops to actually arrest the looters. The most the police could do was chase them away from one spot to another, moving block to block where the looters broke more business windows and stole anything they could. There reportedly were lots of empty hangers in the streets, a car dealership got hit and cars were stolen.

    There was not even a pretense of a protest. The man suicided in the afternoon, and by sundown they were stealing. This was all just flat out opportunistic looting by organized and disorganized bands of thieves of the Nicollet Avenue shopping district. They also hit parts of the shopping districts in Uptown and on Hennepin Avenue too.

  3. The left has been acting as though they think the violence can be turned up and down as needed, like a rheostat. They haven’t read enough history to recognize that it’s a switch, and once that switch is turned on, it can only be turned off with a massive response, or when the mob burns itself out.

    There are only two paths they can take to turn it off:

    1. They need a truly massive response on the ground–enough to effect mass arrests–and a prosecutor who will insure that adequate consequences ensue to serve as a deterrent and to remove the instigators from the population available for future looting. If the personnel are not available to round them all up and sort them out afterwards, and if they don’t have the tactical acumen to start at the back of the crowd, looking for the instigators, they’ll need live ammunition. THAT I really don’t want to see.

    2. They can get serious about treating antifa as the terrorist organization it has been declared to be (as if that was’t already obvious). In other words, they can find out who has been paying for the buses, the pallets of bricks, the tactical training, the weapons and body armor, the training, and the social-media presence, freeze (or force forfeiture of) their assets, and prosecute. I’d love to see that approach go all the way up to Soros, confiscating assets all the way, so his progeny can’t continue his crap after he passes.

    Unfortunately, option (1) will create martyrs, and option (2) would require a “justice” apparatus willing to visit consequences within the ruling class, which, to this point, does not seem to exist. If you see a realistic alternative path that does not include equivalents of either roof Koreans or Henry Bowman, I’d love to hear it.


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