By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Mommy and Daddy would be happy if you just work for a living.”
  1. Actually, I tend to think her mommie & her non-commited life partner are rather proud and supportive of Lil’ Snowflake’s budding political activism. After all, it seems like just yesterday that they gave her that first “Bush Sucks” sign to take to kindergarten…

  2. My parents were thankful I took up a job while in college rather than asking for an allowance.

    Also, I’m approaching 30 hours awake and on the clock. Having three low paying jobs to pay for my own stuff, I still get a better sense of satisfaction than I guess these people mainly because I know what is mine is truly mine.

    Workin’ hard, savin up for a Ruger.

    1. Well done. I was always taught that with education, intelligence and talent, hard work would not be necessary. That was a lie. I now work harder than I ever have, for extremely long hours and less than I am worth. Funny, but I am the happiest that I have ever been. I plan to maintain this new work ethic and complete my Master’s as well. I wish that I had done the same as you are doing now; I believe it will serve you well. Keep it up.

      1. It’s very satisfying. I had good teachers in my family, and in the business and accounting teachers I had in middle and high school.

        Home Ec, Shop, Business Management, Accounting. Those were just a few of the classes I loved and valued (besides Government and History) and they taught me so much things.

        And I still play video games, watch my anime, hang out with friends. Whee time management.

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