Moms Demand Ft Hood


And someone agrees with them wholeheartedly:

“It is stupid to me that anyone can have easy access to a powerful weapon without being mentally evaluated. This makes the government indirect accomplice… These bastards have perfected their way of attacking studying previous massacres to gain publicity and their minute of fame as a villain. But thanks to Hollywood and the sensational profiling by the media [they] give more power to those intelligent cowards.”

The person that wrote that? Spc. Ivan Lopez, the Fort Hood shooter.

You know? If I were a member of Thinkprogress or Media matter or DailyKos, I’d be shouting to the skies that this is a conspiracy and that we are force feeding mind-altering drugs to unsuspecting people and programming them as killers. All being the fault of the NRA, the gun manufacturers and the Koch Brothers to make Gun Control look bad .

Or we can simply apply Occam’s razor and say that the simple answer is the correct one: Gun Control advocates are not right up there and some do fall off the tracks and harm people.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Moms Demand rush to insert foot in mouth once more.”
  1. Knowing MDA, the “soldiers” they’d really like to honor are the ones who go on-base with a gun and shoot up the brave men and women who have actually signed on to defend our nation.

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