Callie Adams told Jacksonville police in 2011 that she shot her husband, Rodney Adams, two times during a fight inside their car because Adams was repeatedly punching her in the head. Police said the shooting happened at close range in the parking lot of a nightclub.
A stand your ground hearing for Adams was held Thursday at the Duval County Courthouse, a hearing that will determine whether or not this case ever goes to trial.
Will it work?

It was a question of time. The narrative on Stand Your Ground, specially from the ultra liberals is that it is a hunting license against black people. They keep repeating (partially) the findings of the Tampa Bay Tribune that shows most of the “victims” are black but curiously ignore that the great majority of the beneficiaries are also black.

And that brings us to the Callie Adams case: Black woman with years of abuse by her husband is attacked in the confines of the vehicle they were in and she uses a firearm to defend herself.  I don’t know any more details or going to speculate on the particulars of the case I do not know, but I am just wondering where do Liberals stand on this? Do they root that she is denied SYG because it is a “bad racist law”? Are they wiling to be accused of being accomplices of “The War on Women” supporting the idea that she did not have the right to defend herself?  Or are they support her just because of her race and thus support SYG on the rebound contradicting their earlier stand?

And never forget that  what triggered Stand Your Ground in Florida was spousal/domestic abuse and the fact that if a woman defended herself, she was automatically treated not as a survivor but as a murderer.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The case of Callie Adams: A Liberal headache”
  1. I love your blog although I could live without your obsession with the Moms. They’re really not worth it, IMO.

    Libs have been talking about Callie Adams almost as much as we have so there shouldn’t be any shortage of references as to how they’re framing it. Personally, I’m more interested in how it impacts us rather than their wacky views.

    Just a small correction, Florida’s SYG was not borne out of a domestic violence case, rather it was 77-year-old James Workman that we owe this piece of legislation.

    Keep up the good work…and refocus on something other than the Moms. Booooring.

    1. I plea guilty about my obsession with Moms and Shannon Watts. But they are the most visible group right now and the rest are slowly folding into the abyss. Moms have the Bloomberg money and they will not go away easy. They are taking a shellacking at State Legislature level and probably will simmer out during the summer, but they will come back for the November elections.
      MAIG is associated with Bloomberg so it has become toxic with the carpetbagger theme and also the help of the MAIG Mayors who find their way to prison. Moms Demand is still somewhat uncluttered of the bad image and they have not been more effective because for all the “expertise” in PR, they have made some glaring mistakes that I am ever so happy to reproduce and archive

    1. I am gonna wait for the case to go to court or Andrew Branca to give his input on the merits. I just don’t trust the media with SYG-related cases

  2. Callie ued to work for me while we were both active duty. There were many times she could not work after a round with Rodney

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