And sometimes it takes a  5 second video to perfectly illustrate the point.


I had to save it and post it in case Twitter gets all Stalin with the OP.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “More evidence the impeachment hearing is a sham and people know it (Parte 2)”
  1. Illinois rep Mike Quigley on the intelligence committee, I thought I would die laughing. One of the dumbest humans on the planet! He is serious too.

    1. If he were from any other state, I’d say that quote could cost him his office. But Illinois? They’ll send him to the Senate.

  2. You cant fix stupid…..THIS is an example of Americas “leaders”. Sad that us deplorables are smarter than our fukkin “leaders”. Wait til Nov 2020 when Trumpy wins again. You will be able to see the libtard head explosions from outer space!

  3. I saw a longer clip. Quigley also said that hearsay was allowed by dozens of exceptions to the Federal Rules of Evidence, then a Republican (Jim Jordan?), tried to interrupt with a point of order that this hearsay evidence meets none of the recognized exceptions for hearsay evidence, but Schiffty ruled him out of order and shut him down.

    I saw Senator Graham said all hearsay evidence will not be allowed in any senate trial, and the whistleblower will be called to testify.

    I also saw Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue tonight. He must have seen a completely different Committee Meeting than I did. He thought the Democrats did great, and were a few days away from convicting PDT. Sadly, half the people under forty only get their news from these late night Democrats.

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