Also known as 2020. I saw Old NFO’s post and I realized I had not shared mine in a long while.  This is the basic kit, the one I simply do not get out of the house without. I carry some other things on and off body, but it depends on weather and methods.

Before the Antifa/BLM idiocy began, I was carrying a Kahr CW9 and 2 spares, but I felt that 24 rounds were not enough, so I went with my very proven FNP-9 and 2 spare mags.  Hopefully 49 rounds should suffice.

What is new from my old EDC is the pepper spray and the glass puncher/belt cutter. As for medical stuff, the basic (not pictured) will be a tourniquet and/or a trauma pack usually in an off/body carriage.

I do hope this whole crap ends soon. This much weight is murder on my lower back.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “My Basic EDC for Tumultuous Times”
  1. Ok, my 2 cents- Kimber TLE II full size in Bianque IWB with Chip Mcormick 10 round mag (11 rnds total) and 2 spares. 200 lumen bushnell flash light. Trama kit with tourniquet. Oh and a 10.5 inch AR with 4 mags in a brief case heh heh heh

  2. I agree it needs to end soon, i’m over 70 so the extra weight is really hard on me, my stuff looks a lot like yours

  3. I can see the need to upgrade, I only carry one knife and usually only 24 to 36 rounds total, but the ones I carry are magical .40 caliber. I will add a knife soon.

  4. Generally, I carry three tourniquets: one on ankle (well, three seasons…), one on belt, and SWATT in off hand pocket.

    I assume that those will keep things frosty, until I, or a minion, can retrieve my medic bag from my vehicle.

    And, if I cannot retrieve my medic bag, I am likely gonna need my 2nd and 3rd magazines, more.

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