(Back to part 1)


So, I figured why not go old school? Search for the original iron sight and shoot like that? I had the ad so I knew I needed a Lyman No. 77 front sight and a Lyman No. 48H receiver sight, how difficult could that be?

Stop laughing if you knew the sights haven’t been an option for decades. The original rear sight (with knobs) can be found under $200 but the front sight? Only one so far for $80 and only one insert.

Not to cry too much, Lyman seems/appears to have similar modern aluminum (instead of steel like the originals) for $99.99 and $69.99 respectively BUT… I am not sure if the will fit. I recently sent an inquiry to Lyman and I am waiting to hear from them.

And then a friend told me: “Don’t forget the scoping scope!” Aww shit! That is another lot of insane range of prices. And apparently, even if I go the scope way, a spotting scope is needed.

So, the options are:

– The USMC Sniper Rifle Scope at $575 & gunsmithing charges to be determined.

– Original Lyman No. 77 front sight and a Lyman No. 48H receiver sight about $300 with S&H.

– Modern  Lyman Receiver Sight 57WJS and Lyman Globe Front Target Sight 93 (still waiting for confirmation from Lyman) at a grand total of $180 including shipping.

I won’t deny I’d lust after the scope just because the cool factor at the range. As for the iron sights, I want to go with the 48H and the 77 because they belong with the gun as it was intended and keeping it historically correct is the right thing to do.

Then comes the spotting scope. The best value I saw out there is the Celestron 52257 Ultima 100 at $299 (Cheapest price found). If I remember correctly, Celestron has always been a kick ass brand for optics with the coolest telescopes.  Other scopes with the same or similar specs and in that price range are from brands that are kinda suspicious. I am a sucker for a sale, but cheap crap is still crap.

This one does not come with a tripod, but I am figuring a table top microphone stand is cheaper (under $20) and better than the aluminum things I have seen online.

Basically, the money I need to shoot somewhat accurately ranges from $500 to $900. Ouch.

It is gonna take a while. If you feel inclined with contributing to the effort you can use the PayPal link here or on the top right of this page. Any and all donations will be gratefully accepted.

Let’s make this old rifle bark again in freedom!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “My next Gun Project: 1964 Winchester Model 70 (Part 2)”
  1. Use the original irons by Lyman- that rifle and you deserve the best. The new aluminum analogues are just not the same.

    If you need a source- he’s not on the Net…

    Try Garry Fellers Sights, 7117 South Ridge Trail, Ft Worth 76133 817-346-9633. He has all the Lyman, Redfield Olympic- even sights for aMarlin Model 80.

    Good Luck

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