This is from the Washington Post:

Israel deems women’s ritual baths essential, leaving some conflicted over virus risk

Oh those stupid Jews, putting their rituals above other people’s lives.

It can’t be a coincidence that this would be published the day after that sentiment was the narrative in New York City following the police mishandling and breakup of an Orthodox funeral.

So tell me more about these dangerous religious Jews.

Even as Israel closed down its public sphere to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the government deemed that some 700 of these ritual baths, or mikvahs, were essential and permitted them to remain open along with supermarkets and pharmacies. When most of the country was completely locked down for the Passover holiday, the women’s mikvahs were not.

How dare Israel try and preserve some religious rituals during COVID.  Don’t those Jews know this is when governments are supposed to stamp the religious communities into the ground and punish them?  Except for Muslim celebrating Ramadan, they get free food.

Dvora Eiferman, the official at the Ministry of Religious Services overseeing public mikvahs, said that even when emergency measures were imposed in mid-March, shuttering stores, restaurants, gyms and ritual baths for men, and later when synagogues and other religious spaces were closed down, it was clear the women’s mikvahs would remain open.

“We are talking about the most important ritual, a basic need, and there was no choice but to keep them open,” she said.

No.  Riding knee deep in a vagrant’s effluvia in a crowded subway is essential.  A religious ritual isn’t.

Those Jews just keep risking people’s lives for their own silly observances.  This is why they keep getting kicked out of countries.


Israel is ranked as the SAFEST country to be in during the outbreak.

For a country of over 8.8 million people, its had less than 16,000 cases and only 219 deaths.  New York City has had nearly as many deaths as Israel has had cases.

That is because international experts agreed that Israel got “ahead of the curve” on fighting the virus.

COVID really makes Max Brooks’s World War Z look extremely prophetic, because in the book Israel survived the zombie apocalypse with fewer casualties than nearly any other nation.

That book really should be required reading because its hit the nail on the head with everything from China’s origin of the virus and spreading it with lies and mishandling to Israel’s survival to celebrity uselessness to rich people needing to learn to scrub toilets to the economic collapse of the nation.  It is perhaps the most accurate and well researched complete fiction ever written.

But I digress…

And here is the kicker from the WaPo article:

The Israeli government, in keeping mikvahs open, issued new safety guidelines. These require women to register in advance, allowing the mikvah attendant to track those entering and have time to clean the bath between appointments. The chlorine levels in the baths must be measured after every two or three immersions. While women would previously shower on site in private bathrooms before entering the mikvah, such preparations are no longer permitted on the premises.

So far, there are no reported cases of women who have become infected at a mikvah in Israel, according to Mitchell Schwaber, director of the National Center for Infection Control.

So they have new safety protocols, allowing only one woman in at a time, the water is chlorinated to disinfect it, and there have been no cases of virus transmission in a mikvah.

So exactly what the fuck was the purpose of this article and why did the WaPo feel the need to publish that headline in the USA?

To make the Jews in Israel and religion Jews by extension look bad.

That can be the only reason.

This is the Left getting out in front of everyone calling Bill de Blasio an anti-Semite by making religious Jews look like they put ritual over safety, and therefore what the mayor did was right.

This is some Jew-baiting bullshit from the Washington Post.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Needless Jew-baiting from the Washington Post because of Coronavirus”
  1. Evil people will always find reason to blame the JOOOOOS! during hard times.

    It’s frightening that we are thiiiiiiis close to the NYT or WaPo or CNN publicly advocating for pogroms.

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