Copy/Paste entirely from Lagniappe’s Lair:

 The situation here now

The media isn’t saying much now but there are currently FOUR caravan groups on the way, comprising about ten thousand illegals , mostly fro Honduras, Guatemala and el salvador. The largest group is already in Tijuana, Mexico, about 5,000 of them, and pressure is building there as Tijuana doesn’t want them any more than we do. The Mexican government is doing all that it can to move these groups directly to our ports of entry because that’s easier for them than trying to turn them around. These groups are mostly male, totally without money or food, and they are stealing whatever they can unless Mexican community groups “donate” supplies for them. They have attacked Mexican police and government officials and boast about doing the same when they get here, wirth many talking about just breaching our ports of entry en masse and not even trying to ask for asylum. Many of them just want to try to overwhelm our border forces then try to get lost in our border cities before we can apprehend them.

Imagine thousands at once running through our checkpoints into San Diego or Nogales. That’s the plan for many of them as soon as they all get here.

The National Guard is down here now, hardening the ports, but it’s going to be a mess when it blows up, and it WILL blow up soon. These illegals aren’t going home or waiting to come in by our rules, and it doesn’t help that liberal groups and politicians here are actively encouraging them.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “News from the Southern Border”
  1. Worst part is, should the invasion force become violent, I can pretty much guarantee that the Border Patrol and assisting troops will mostly have their hands tied to defend themselves. “Invasion force shooting at you? And you returned fire?! You are under arrest for violating the civil rights of the invader who shot at you.” That’s not a far fetched scenario.

    Trump seems to be serious about this, but the swamp won’t play ball. The rumblings are he’s going to fire the current Homeland Security Secretary because he’s dissatisfied with her performance. Meanwhile I’ve heard she’s tried to defend herself by saying she is limited in what actions she can take by complicated laws. She’s a swamp holdover, so that’s no surprise.

    Secure the damn border. It is literally the simplest thing the Government could do. No more of this subservient shit with Mexico, either. Drug cartels and even the Mexican Military have taken shots at our Border Patrol already, and we do nothing. Mexican Military vehicles have made incursions into the U.S. before, and we do nothing. Why?

  2. Why? If the border is too secure, the ‘right’ drug shipments and enough cheap labor won’t get through.

    My cynical side brings me to the conclusion that some sections of our government are making $$ that is off the books

    1. Chicago is run by, and for, the gangs. Their rare gestures towards controlling crime are to keep the tax-paying public quiet, and are utterly offset by corrupt prosecutors, judges, and senior police leadership.

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