No, the Jewish Catch 22 is not free bacon, although that is very tempting.

If you missed the news, musician and actor Nick Cannon said some awful shit on his podcast.  If you don’t know who Nick Cannon is, it’s alright. The best thing he was ever in was Mariah Carey.

Apparently Cannon is a follower of Louis Farrakhan and a believer in black or melanin supremacy.

Viacom fired him.

This is how it’s reported:

Nick Cannon dropped by ViacomCBS over “anti-Semitic” comments

What he said was antisemitic but it was also anti-White .

Readers of this blog know that I have documented just how much the Woke Left hates the Jews.

In firing Cannon for just being antisemitic and not anti-White, they have enraged the white supremacists, who get to claim that “the Jews are a protected class but it’s okay to hate white people.”

That puts us Jews in no-mans-land, getting shot at by both sides.

The Left hates us for being too white and the alt-Right hates us for being a protected and privileged minority.

This is the Jewish Catch 22.

I don’t know if Viacom did this deliberately or if they were just too dumb to understand, but condemning Cannon’s antisemitism and not his anti-White racism is both unfair to white people and to Jews.

Viacom needs to come out and make it clear that anti-White racism as espoused by Cannon is equally ugly and a fireable offense.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Nick Cannon and the Jewish Catch 22”
  1. “That puts us Jews in no-mans-land, getting shot at by both sides.”
    ‘Twas ever thus. Didn’t Tom Lehrer sum it up in “National Brotherhood Week”?
    Possibly for the same reason no one worries about upsetting a droid. (You’d think, if The Jews had all the power commonly attributed to them, there’d be Consequences for antisemitism, but no.)

  2. Expressing hatred toward white people right now is cool.

    Expressing hatred toward Jews is “not cool” … which must be written in quotes because hating Jews has always been OK for the “Progressive” Left, even so far as working to realize that hatred, as long as it isn’t spoken out loud in public.

    Nick Cannon hates white people, but because he is black in the era of BLM, it’s fine and not racist at all. He also hates Jews and supports Farrakhan, which for “Progressive” Leftists is also fine as long as it’s done quietly.

    He only violated that last bit: he expressed his Jew-hatred aloud in public.

  3. He was fired for being racist/anti-Semitic, but he could just as well be fired for being incredibly stupid. For that little “explanation” of racial differences is every bit as stupid as what comes out of some of the white supremacist’s mouths.

    Damn, that’s dumb.

  4. “Viacom needs to come out and make it clear that anti-White racism as espoused by Cannon is equally ugly and a fireable offense.”

    Except it isn’t. Anti-White Racism is the modern foundation of the left. Only whites can be racist, because only whites have the power. If you discriminate against whites, that has been acceptable for years, just ask “Doctor” Bakke. Congratulate “Asians,” who are now honorary white people in the eyes of Ivy League College Admissions Officers.

    1. I would disagree. The foundation of Leftism is the idea that white supremacy is correct, but that’s a bad thing unless done with compassion and caring. They still think only whites should be running things, but only the right, woke white people. The Left thinks minorities are lesser races, animals really- but should be conserved.
      The Leftist in power indulge this kind of thing the same way a special ed teacher indulges her students. They don’t agree with it, but it’s nice they can get it off their chest, isn’t it?

  5. “Apparently Cannon is a follower of Louis Farrakhan”

    ‘Nuff said right there. His opinion means less than a zero to left.

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