Sanford officials claim that the ban on people legally carrying firearms will revitalize the image of the program that has reportedly suffered following the trial, but I’m not sure how telling me that I should give up my personal protection and take one for the team is an incentive to participate.

via No More Concealed Carry for Neighborhood Watch | Shall Not Be Questioned.

To me that is the whole issue: Image and actual results be dammed. It is all about political hackery.

Bitter is right. I don’t feel like actually standing watch over a locale where the Bad Guys already know there is nothing bad coming to them and the two idiots patrolling are just a carjacking ripe for the pickings. Do you know what Neighborhood watch is in my little piece of heaven? When we hear something funky, a couple of neighbors open their doors to see what is going on. Beside the hard stares, there is always one hand conspicuously hiding behind the back.

It seems it is Universal Sing Language for “Get the F*** Outta Here” for they seem to understand it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “No More Concealed Carry for Neighborhood Watch | Shall Not Be Questioned”
  1. Now how is that prohibition going to work with Fla’s preemption law?!? On the face of it, it opens the town council up to a nice little lawsuit…..

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