Rioter says: “We are coming to the suburbs, if we don’t get what we want.”

Not a good idea, skippy.

Let’s review the applicable rules:

Coming to the suburbs

Divemedic explores the pertinent chapters of the Florida Statutes that makes looting and other stupid behavior bad for remaining vertical and breathing.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on ““Not a good idea, Skippy.””
  1. Indeed! The only thing that scares me is the Molotov Cocktail, and even here in Kommiefornia, I can engage rioting thugs who try to use one.

  2. When you see a molotv you raise the flame thrower.

    They shouldn’t play with fire if they can’t stand the heat.

    (afaik flame throwers are legal in some/most states)

  3. I have a friend in the Minneapolis suburbs. I asked her how she was doing and if she was worried. This was her reply text:

    “I have nothing short of 20th or so guns and several 1000 rounds of ammo. ?”

  4. So what’s the plan, then? Pick a sub-development and burn it down? Ok, which one? Even if half those houses are filled Karens and cuck husbands (Democrats) the other half probably have people who are armed and won’t take kindly to having their lives and property put at risk. Not to mention, how are they going to get to the suburbs? A mass caravan of their own vehicles? What will they do, all meet at church parking lot to leave their cars while they pillage? Will they take the bus? Those things only hold like 50 people. Is that enough? Will they walk?

    1. It doesn’t need to be organized particularly well, or at all, to be pretty ugly.

      For instance: A random guy picks up two or three others in his car, they all drive out together, park anywhere, and just start trying to break stuff. Repeat x 10 – 100. That many people arriving and causing trouble all at once in a suburb will quite possibly overwhelm the local PD, especially if the “migratory protesters” are disorganized and spread out.

      Some time later, RG decides to leave, doesn’t bother finding the ones he ferried in … now RG might be gone (if he can get his car out), but the other two-three are stuck and now looking for a place to hole up for the night / next day. Again times 10 – 100.

      Of course, this is a hypothetical scenario, probably about as ill-conceived as many of the gun-grabbers’ hypotheticals re gun owners. But, still. I’m very glad I live more than an hour’s drive from the nearest big city.

  5. “Rioter says: “We are coming to the suburbs, if we don’t get what we want.” ”

    Okay, and what exactly is it you want, mr Rioter? Justice? The man most visibly responsible for the death you are rioting , oh excuse me, “protesting” over has been fired, and is facing criminal charges. Now he gets to have evidence presented against him at a trial, and he gets judged, not lynched. That’s how justice works.

    Not enough? The three bystander cops who did nothing to stop his illegal and immoral behavior have been fired too. And maybe they’ll face charges, too. Maybe not perfect, but a lot closer to justice than most people ever see.

    Still not enough?

    What exactly do you want, other than to burn shit, steal shit, and utterly destroy because you can?

  6. Lived thought the Rodney King Intramurals. We had youts “wilding” a half a city block away. They burned several business on the edge of our subdivision – but never set a foot inside our neighborhood. Why? There hadn’t been a cop anywhere nearby for days.

    Ask Yamamoto; he knew. “You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” And you know how we irredeemably deplorables love our lawns.

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