This is  a theme that was recurring yesterday and the day before:

There was a big difference between the protest over  Michigan compared to the ones in Minnesota these last three day: Peaceful. Nothing was vandalized, there was no arson, nobody injured and amazingly and with so many evil black guns, not a shot fired.

Minnesota’s clusterflock has been well covered and some may say it is not the same thing because where it happened in Michigan. Will you take Ohio then?

See the difference?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The push for a dumb race war.”
  1. Two things struck me from these videos.

    First, if that sort of vandalism is going on, I don’t want to be anywhere nearby. That whole thing about being in stupid places, et cetera.

    Second, from the second video especially … wow. Just about everybody, it seems, is holding up a cell phone and recording. Seriously? I see the value of recording, yes, but in a situation like that I’d like to think I’d have just a touch more awareness dedicated to my surroundings. If I were there at all, see first point. 🙂

    And I see literally nothing about Ohio in the Google News feed. (Speaking of which, if anyone has a recommendation for a better aggregator, please speak up.)

    1. If you’re looking for a good news aggregator, try

      I switched to Rantingly after I realized Drudge’s main priority was slamming Trump and reporting about sex robots.

  2. It is the same thing I wrote about in regards to opening up after the CCP Virus. The unknown.

    The leftest don’t know what an armed person might do. They just know that an armed person CAN kill. Can say “no.” That unknown is terrifying to them.

    Just listen to all the fear around people standing around with guns at the VA Capitol, at the Michigan Capitol, at the Minnesota Capitol. They *might* have done something, and what they *might* have done is more terrifying to leftist than what actually happened.

    Do you really think the governor of VA thought that a bunch of 2A dudes were going to start shooting up his capitol building? No, but they *might* have. And if he tells the police to tell those 2A people to move, they *might* say “NO” and refuse. Then he has more issues.

    In the case of the “mostly peaceful protests”, they know exactly what is going to happen. The “protesters” are going to loot, pillage, destroy. They are going to burn their own homes down and then demand sympathy as victims. There are no unknowns for leftest when the riots start.

    And they don’t care.

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