From Politico:

‘We feel incredibly betrayed’: Thousands of Guardsmen forced to vacate Capitol

Thousands of National Guardsmen were allowed back into the Capitol Thursday night, hours after U.S. Capitol Police officials ordered them to vacate the facilities, sending them outdoors or to nearby parking garages after two weeks pulling security duty after the deadly riot on Jan. 6.

“Yesterday dozens of senators and congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed,” the Guardsman said.

Guard leadership did not make the decision and are “doing their best to provide rest shelter for troops who are still on 12-hour shifts protecting the Capitol and congressional grounds,” the second Guardsman said.

“There really may be an important reason for us to vacate and it just hasn’t been well communicated yet,” the second Guardsman said.

The troops are particularly concerned about being packed in tight quarters with limited bathroom access during a pandemic.

Democrats who served as officers, especially in non-combat roles flaunt their veteran status as evidence of their unimpeachable patriotism while they simultaneously erode your rights.

“I carried a rifle just like this in[Middle Eastern Country], so I know it’s too dangerous for civilians.” – Every Democrat who was ever in uniform

They called up the Guard to defend the Biden inauguration from riots.

Riots that never materialized by the way.

As soon as that way over, the enlisted men of the Guard got shoved outside into a cold parking garage to be out of sight and not crowd the halls of Congress.


Cramming them together like that gave them COVID.

I guess “social distance to slow the spread” is void when being Nancy Pelosi’s servants.

Biden was not President for 24 hours and incapacitated the National Guard with COVID.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Now that Trump is gone, Democrats go back to treating the troops the way they usually do – Update”
  1. Clarity is good, and this is more clarity being presented by the Democrats. Or, perhaps this is a Capitol Police thing that will get overridden. We’ll see.

    I think it’s also, perhaps, good that the NG troops learn about the attitude first-hand like this, rather than in a more dramatic and traumatic fashion.

  2. Might be a good time for some outreach. Bring lunches and shelter to the national guard members, show them who’s really on their side.

    It may give them pause when they’re told to shoot us.

  3. Once again, I am reminded that your average leftist is little more than a child in an adult’s body. They get a fun new toy that satisfies their short term wants, and as soon as something more interesting shows up it gets tossed aside.

    How many millions of dollars were spent for this security theater? How many millions more will be spent solely for looks and molding the public perception?

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