For nearly four years, the Left screamed “not my President.”

We were told that Trump colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 election and steal it from Hillary.

We were told that there was a Dossier full of information about this and the Kompromat Putin had on Trump.  We were told that Trump was Putin’s puppet.

The Left proudly rallied around the idea that they were the #Resistance to Trump, borrowing the language of French fighters against Nazi invasion.

Fifty-two members of Congress boycotted Trump’s inauguration, claiming that he was illegitimate.

Then in 2018, we were told that Stacy Abrams should be the duly elected governor of Georiga, but she lost due to voter suppression.  The Democrats ran with that narrative for two years.

Just a few months ago, when actual, factual evidence was published in the New York Post, that Hunter Biden was making bank off the Biden name with foreign business and facilitating his dad getting paid on the side by those same sources, we were told that was Russian disinformation and that anyone who took it seriously was a traitor.

Now we come to the 2020 election.  Biden won the popular vote despite several anomalies:

    • Trump got 9 million more votes than he did in 2016 but still lost.
    • Biden got 12 million more votes than Obama and the most votes ever of any president in history but won 396 fewer counties (477 total).
    • Despite Biden’s incredible turnout, the Democrats lost seats in the house.
    • Every state that Trump was winning on election night flipped to Biden in the days that followed.  In no state did the reverse happen.

All of these anomalies might have converged to give Biden a legitimate victory.  Rather than be transparent in doing an audit and a recount, they chose fuckery.

The Democrats spent four years and two races priming the ever-loving living fuck out of the pump, and now they believed that calling any questioning of the 2020 election results a conspiracy theory, and anyone who doesn’t accept Biden is a traitor is going to keep the pipe from bursting.

Now should be a moment of introspection.  A moment where people are forced to face their hypocrisy, apologize for it, and understand how they had had a hand in creating the environment that caused yesterday.

But that is not going to happen.

Instead, we are going to have unity forced upon us at the muzzle of a gun, and that will only make things worse.



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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Now would be some good time for introspection, but it’s not going to happen”
  1. Unity. Yes unity. The unity you get by killing the entire population of the country that is against you and even the ones just not with you. And then killing the part of the country that was not against you but is now against you for killing that part of the country.

    Since I can’t get ammo anymore the next paycheck goes to body armor. The Democrats will be Banning that pretty soon so might as well get it now. I have already decided any gun control that passes I will not oblige and if they come for me I’ll be sure that there will less thugs to continue in that objective.

    At this point death actually seems preferable in comparison with what’s I am pretty sure is going to happen in the next four years. At least all the idiots that voted democrat will get to see the fruits of their opinions. And they get to live with the consequences of their actions. At least until the Democrats decide to replace the United States population. And the people here that read my comments know what I mean by that. If/when that days comes I hope my MSNBC watching 10 hours a day super far left mom lives to see the day the dems kill me to take my guns, since she is 75. The party she fully supports and whom she views Obama and Biden as infallible gods. I hope I have a chance to smile at her and thank her before I die. Then she will do what I will expect and commit suicide in two months. Probably just blaming me for Being selfish and not being a Democrat.

    Holy shit that got dark and fucked up on a personal level.

    1. Doesn’t matter. They were going to round us all up and kill us anyway. Good press was denied. Optics do not matter.

    2. That was the point of the mob: those points never had a chance. No one is listening. Anyone who supported Trump is a “bunch or racist, old, white men who deserve to die” At least, that is what they have been telling me.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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