I urge you to go read the whole thing.

Whether or not you do, dear reader, I suggest that conflict is now upon us.  It can no longer be avoided.  Each and every one of us will be forced to take a stand, whether we want to or not.  We’ll have to go with the vision of our Founding Fathers, and defend our constitutional republic and individual rights;  or we’ll have to abandon their vision, and instead work for political correctness, socialism and the domination of the individual by the group.

Whether or not our choice involves violence, we have to make it.  It’s no longer possible to stand idly by and let others do their thing.  We’re all involved now.  The Uniparty made its choice clear yesterday.  What is our – your – response?

Yesterday, the first shots were fired in the Third Battle of Fort Sumter


Peter saved me work by writing this excellent post.

I am only going to say that we either embrace the opportunity and sent the country back to the Constitutional path or let it go to waste and accept we will be living in the new Socialism in which we will be lucky if we die fast and not from hunger or wasted away in some gulag.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Yesterday, the first shots were fired in the Third Battle of Fort Sumter – Bayou Renaissance Man”
  1. I’ll mention again as I did yesterday Harry Turtledove’s observation, that firing the first shots was a mistake at Fort Sumter back then, and likewise was a mistake yesterday.
    The difference between illegal violence and self defense is who starts it. Both from a legal and a marketing point of view, starting it puts you in the wrong.

  2. Good post from Bayou Man, but it is a bit optimistic in my opinion.

    He is correct, there are four boxes available for change. The problem is that two of them are officially closed to conservatives.
    The soapbox is close to 100% owned and controlled by the progressives. Yes, there is Gab, OANN, Conservative Treehouse, etc… But the people who are on those sites do not need to hear the message. They already agree with the message. Additionally, the big media donated massive amounts of funds to the democrats this election cycle. Odds are, they did not do that because they wanted to host an open forum to discuss conservative ideas.

    No, unless you have some privately owned media resource that does not run on Google or AWS servers, and is not carried on any of the major cable companies, your voice can and will be silenced.

    And, cancelling your memberships on the various sites. Yeah, a few folks might do that, but in reality, most won’t. FB losing a million users is called Tuesday. And, how long before FB buys GAB or WEME?

    The soap box is closed.

    Which leads to the ballot box. 2020 pretty well demonstrated that is now closed to conservatives. Unless you are an active member of the uniparty, your chances of being elected approach zero. Bayou Man says Conservatives should run for office. I contend that is a waste of time. I encourage it, support it, and will vote for conservatives, but I see no real chance at the ballot box. (However, that may be a way for conservatives to get a message out.)

    So, the jury box is next. For a while. Until the uniparty carries through with packing the courts. The District and Appellate court judges that President Trump got onto the bench in those courts will be sidelined soon enough.

    That really only leaves on box.

    And, that scares the hell out of me.

  3. It will ultimately lead to the carrtridge box. Not large battles but individuals eliminating uniparty idiots until the rest of them are too scared to continue

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