Please Urge Your U.S. Senators to Oppose Biden and Schumer’s Gun Control!
Nancy Pelosi and her gun control allies in the U.S. House recently passed two gun control bills H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446. Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer are now pushing these bills in the U.S. Senate.

This legislation won’t have any impact on crime or criminals, doesn’t address America’s broken mental health system and doesn’t address the underlying causes of violence.

The first bill, H.R. 8, would criminalize the private transfer of firearms and targets law-abiding gun owners for persecution. It would make criminals out of law-abiding gun owners for simply loaning a firearm to a friend or some family members. This bill would not stop criminals from obtaining guns because criminals do not comply with the law. And the legislation would be unenforceable without federal gun registration.

The second bill, H.R. 1446, would allow unelected government bureaucrats to indefinitely delay firearm purchases for law-abiding Americans – depriving them of the ability to defend themselves and their families.

Again, please contact your U.S. Senators today and urge them to reject Biden and Schumer’s gun control!

Thank you.​

Click here to take you to the NRA-ILA page and to drop a line to your senators.

So easy even we Neanderthals can do it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “NRA -ILA: Please Urge Your U.S. Senators to Oppose Biden and Schumer’s Gun Control!”
    1. If enough people tell a politician “do this and you will lose your job,” at some point said politician won’t do whatever it is.

      One complaining constituent is nothing. Ten are a blip. 1% of them would start to rise above nuisance level of notice. A third of the state’s population is an existential threat to job security.

      1. “If enough people tell a politician “do this and you will lose your job,” at some point said politician won’t do whatever it is.”

        All depends on the politician, and the state.

        If 90% of the state said vote against bill XYZ, one of my Senators would vote for it anyway. They have clearly demonstrated over the last two years or so that the voters just plain do not matter to them.

        And, despite the (R) after her name, she knows her Democrat masters will save her scrawny backside next election. Or, so she thinks.

  1. Friendly reminder that the NRA couldn’t stop a bumpstock ban when the White House and Senate were controlled by the GOP. The Democrats are no longer afraid of them as an organization, because they are completely ineffective at the ONE THING they were good at in the past.

    Having said that…

    Even if you’re in a deep red state with two theoretically conservative Senators, you should call and remind them that a vote for *CLOTURE* will be seen as a vote for these bills.

    Cloture requires 60 votes. Cloture is needed in order to proceed to the actual vote, which only requires 50 votes plus Harris.

    If your senator votes for cloture but against the bill, they really voted for the bill to be passed without voting for the bill itself.

    When John Kerry declared “I voted for it before I voted against it” that’s what he was referencing.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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