Last time that much white was falling from the skies, it meant a plane from Colombia was dropping cargo in mid-air.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Officially Snowing in Florida”
  1. I’ve always gotten a kick out of how regions deal with weather that is the norm in other regions. Florida: The snow is exciting, but don’t stay out in it too long. Meanwhile, in rural New York, the temperature hasn’t been above 15 in over a week, and the high tomorrow is going to be 3.
    Then in the summer up here, they freak out when it gets into the 90’s, making ridiculous no-brainer statements like “stay hydrated” and “be careful”. People wind up dying. Meanwhile, in Florida, that’s a pleasant spring day.

  2. I was watching the Intellicast radar out of Bartow back then and it was snowing in a few counties just W and NW of Gainesville. Fairly big area, really. I think Gainesville was just getting “wintry mix”.

    We’re supposed to get right to 32 tonight and maybe 31 tomorrow night.

  3. I think I’m North of you SiG, it’s freaking cold here. With it supposed to be 31 or colder tonight.

  4. As long as we don’t have a repeat of pre-Christmas 1989, Gainesville will be okay.

    From 70+ degrees to 19 in like 5 hours, during a damned pummeling rain storm. All the bridges over creeks, the highway overpasses, the interstate and the airport were all iced over. And losing power when you sleep on a waterbed really sucks, really suuuuuuucks.

    On the othe rhand, I mowed my yard using my dog sliding all over the place, and trimmed my bushes using a 2×4 on the frozen branches. Made a snowman.

    Don’t want to see that white crap ever again in Gainesville, FL.

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