I saw one guy in my Twitter timeline bitching the treasonous  NRA account (and I think also Trump, not sure). I hate purity tests and sure as shit the bump stock fanaticism is the one still hurting Gun Owners in general. I made a comment, perhaps not as polite as I should and shit went downhill.

Here is the rubber band bump fire.

Now, I don’t mind a healthy discussion about the whats and whatnots, but when you start calling people bootlickers, it kinda takes away the common sense and rather than engage in a constructive argument, it tells me you are as irrational dogmatic as the little assholes in black running around Portland.

If you forgot how close we got to lose a huge chunk of our Gun rights after the Las Vegas Massacre, you should go back and check the congressional record and the AWB III that was supposed to be pushed down our throats and did not.

And I can return the insults quite amplified, but I am going to let this one go away and  just use the exchange as example on how not to address your fellow Gun Owners.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “Once again, the stupid piece of plastic makes people lose their mind.”
  1. I still don’t fully understand how we were close to getting any of those bills passed when the democrats only controlled 1/2 of 1/3 of the federal government at the time.

    They had the House. That was it.

    All it would have taken to defeat would have been for it to not get out of committee in the Senate (either by not being scheduled or by being voted down), or not be scheduled for a vote by McConnell, or not getting cloture, or getting vetoed by Trump.

    This is literally the only thing that the NRA is good at: putting fear into Republicans who think of going against us. If they can’t stop an AWB under those circumstances without some sort of “compromise” where we give up something and the only thing we get in return is that we don’t lose more, then what are they good for?

    1. I didn’t have a bumpstock. I didn’t want a bumpstock.

      But I was promised national reciprocity and the hearing protection act, and what I got was a bumpstock ban.

    2. If you are a Floridian, it is easy to understand. Republicans controlled the State House and Senate and they folded like worn wallets after Parkland. Do you really trust the backbone of your elected Federal congresscritter to respect the Constitution?

      1. Again, you’d have to go through the huge process to actually get it passed. How far did it get in the Senate? Was there any movement at all? And was there enough support among republicans in BOTH houses to override a Trump veto?

        1. The Bill was indeed introduced, but it did not move and eventually died. UBC had more track but whomever was the idiot that latched on the bump stock, distracted attention and it finish killing everything. It was literally tossing a bone to a dog so it would not jump on the table after the whole ham.

          1. But we have a paid dog trainer, the NRA, to keep the dog from thinking people food is an option in the first place.

            The dog wasn’t thrown a bone, he was thrown hamburger instead of steak. Next time he’s going to expect more.

            So again….if it wasn’t making any movement, why did we have to give up anything at all?

          2. Ya know, when Trumpy jumped on the bumpstock ban I was kinda pissed….. BUT the more I thought about it the more it looked to me what you just said-tossin a bone. And what have We the People done since? BOUGHT a shitload a GUNS. This hate the nra cause bumpybans is comin from the same one who are claimin “they gonna pass martial law!!” I made a bump stock for my AK years ago, my finger worked better. They forgit theres REAL machineguns out there inAmericans hands

    3. Like Miguel said, the Republicans have no spine. A bunch of them — even “2nd Amendment supporters” — were willing to vote for the bills after Parkland; that event took the fight out of a lot of them.

      All Senate Dems + a few Senate GOP == a passed bill.

      Even Trump — whom the NRA supported on promises to veto EVERY “gun control” bill that comes to his desk — indicated he’d sign it. When it didn’t arrive, he banned them by EO.

      And we can’t count on SCOTUS. Chief Justice Roberts may have been appointed by Bush, but he votes with the Left more often than not.

      It wasn’t “The Dems only control 1/2 of 1/3 of the federal government”. It was “2/3 of the federal government plus 1/2 of the other 1/3 definitely support banning bump stocks (and other things), and the other 1/2 of that 1/3 is full of squishes who could pass the bill without questioning what else it bans”.

      It wasn’t “Dems vs. GOP”. It was “support the bill vs. oppose the bill”; the former had more support, and we couldn’t count on the latter to put up a serious fight.

      1. I see a lot of conjecture but I’m looking for real facts. Bloomberg said “BOO!” and you have people falling all over themselves talking about how the mansion was haunted.

          1. Quite the opposite. I’m trying to understand how you can come to that conclusion with zero evidence that match your claims. Even years after it happened, no one can produce any evidence that this was on track to pass, other than rumor.

  2. I can make a better argument that bumpstocks are a device that is deliberately designed to induce a specific malfunction (multi-firing) in a firearm not designed for such.

    Miguel has it right, though. Particularly considering the stench of Parkland in the wake of the shooting, when we found out how Cruz had weirdly ‘slipped through the cracks’ over and over, or how BCSO had refused to enter the school to confront him. Consider these things and ponder if someone was angling for a specific outcome.

  3. Oh won’t you compromise and give me just a little bit of your cake?
    I know I’ve already eaten over half of it already, but I’ll be done after this, I promise…
    (unless I get hungry again, have a political majority, someone’s fee fees get hurt, or someone gets hurt in an entirely non-cake really way that I can spin for PR)

  4. As an aside from the political discussion, regarding that embedded video with the rubber band: would it be easier and/or safer to mill a couple shallow, flat-bottomed indents — one on the trigger, one on the grip behind the trigger — for a small spring?

    I’m no gunsmith, but it would seem that such a spring would have much the same effect as the rubber band — helping facilitate a quicker trigger reset by pulling it back forward — but with the added benefit of being able to pop it out in a moment if anyone (say, law enforcement or a gun-range Karen) looks like they’re showing too much interest in your rifle. It’s pretty clear what the purpose of the rubber band is, but how would someone prove the purpose of small indent, for a spring that isn’t there?

    Not that it really matters, since the bump-fire effect can be caused by hooking a thumb through the trigger guard and into a belt-loop and pulling the rifle forward. It’s just a hypothetical and/or educational question. 🙂

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