This is what’s left of my personal library.

It looks like the magazine racks at a supermarket, so empty it looks.

Some 570 books that I deemed indispensable and I could not live without them for one reason or another.  Close to 700 books were left behind, actually donated to the Vietnam Veterans of America and I do hope they bring them a good amount of much needed cash.

When I moved from Venezuela, I had to leave almost my whole library. More than three decades of books I got since I learned how to read and kept with a hoarder’s soul. I made it to Miami with perhaps 200 books and went on to rebuild my collection, this time with a more discriminating eye since space was limited as per the missus.

And I am waiting for the day I need to find a book for some obscure reference I just remembered and realize it was one of the casualties I left behind. And I am gonna be pissed off.

This was the second time I had to do bibliographical triage. I am not doing that anymore.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “One of the reasons I hate moving”
  1. I feel you man. Packing right now to get out of washinistan. It’s just going more and more commie, so we’re heading for the Wyoming/Montana/Idaho area. Still looking for a house…. I had to triage our LAST move from the city to the country (only 30 miles), but I used it to minimize my collection. Donated nearly 2500 books, some I had since I was 12 or so. I hate to admit I moved to kindle because I can carry my books with me. I still have 300 of my faves in print, because emp and such…

  2. I feel you man. Packing right now to get out of washinistan. It’s just going more and more commie, so we’re heading fot the Wyoming/Montana/Idaho area. Still looking for a house…. I had to triage our LAST move from the city to the country (only 30 miles), but I used it to minimize my collection. Donated nearly 2500 books, some I had since I was 12 or so. I hate to admit I moved to kindle because I can carry my books with me. I still have 300 of my faves in print, because emp and such…

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