I know that we keep talking about this book, but the information that keeps coming out of it is just amazing and scary.

This page floored me:

No evidence that soldiers or policemen were ever punished for refusing to kill Jews and other Undesirables. There was never a Nuremberg defense or even a Nuremberg explanation: It was all just a legal smoke machine to cover up the fact that men given the chance, will behave like a pack of hyenas of the Serengeti.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Ordinary Men: One well embedded myth shattered to dust.”
  1. I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here for a sec.
    Did any of them *know* this at the time? We’re all well aware of how news and stories can (and have) been buried, so isn’t it possible that the notion of saying “no” would imprison you and your family all they would’ve heard?

    This is obviously a moral dilemma, but I do know that when family gets thrown into the mix it affects decisions, and not always for the better.

    1. One question to ask would be: how many did resist. If the answer is statistically equivalent to zero, then it’s obvious the Nuremberg excuse is only an excuse. Especially since obviously some of the people involved had no family to be threatened.

      A related angle to be considered: cultural factors. Conformity is a big thing in some countries, Germany among them (Japan also). That is a fair chunk of the explanation why Jews surrendered their weapons when told to do so when the Nazis first came to power. It’s also likely to be part of the answer in this case.

  2. That is the worst part: there are cases in which the policemen refused to shoot Jews and they were sent to do other duties.
    There were no major consequences other than perhaps derision and the equivalent of latrine detail.

    1. The downvote wasn’t for you, Miguel (and I can’t correct!). It’s just so terrible, and we aren’t far from it here and now.

  3. I understand this may come across the wrong way, so I apologize in advance. It’s not my intent to insult the hosts of this blog.

    But genocide has been part and parcel of warfare and human history since the beginning of time. Simply read the Old Testament to see examples of genocide commanded by God himself. And where defeated enemy tribes weren’t completely killed off, victors would enslave all the men (after castration), rape and enslave all the women, and kill or enslave all the kids. Whether it was wars of conquest, territory, power, or religion, the outcomes were extremely brutal to our modern sensibilities. The Holocaust only stands out only because the Jews were embedded in the general population (not some outside tribe) and the Germans used modern industrial killing methods over the preferred method of hacking people apart with machetes. Other than that, it was simply another genocide in a long history of men doing what men do in war.

    But fine. It was the ultimate evil upon the face of the earth. Never before has there been such evil. Accepted. And of course, “Never Again” is the phrase we should all pledge. But the very next post below this (some black man cold-cocked a white man, some black woman videoed it laughing) makes some of us have near-genocidal thoughts. If not genocide, then at least rounding up roughly 15% of the population and putting them on reservations, surrounded by concertina wire and land mines. Let’s face it, if we could snap our fingers and do away with roughly 15% of the population instantly, violent crime in this country would drop to almost zero. And our tax burden would dramatically lighten.

    I’m not advocating genocide at all. I want to live a peaceful life and I hope to never have to pull my gun in self-defense. But I’m also reasonably certain I’d have no problem operating a gas chamber either. I know myself and I’m certain I could justify it to myself. But overall I’d rather just be left alone.

    So yeah, Ordinary Men would have no problem with genocide. That shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s walked past an abortion clinic.

  4. It was all just a legal smoke machine to cover up the fact that men given the chance, will behave like a pack of hyenas of the Serengeti.

    I think you owe the hyenas an apology. After all hyenas are just being hyenas as nature intended. The perpetrators of the Holocaust, were men with functioning brains, and the ability to choose.

  5. I am reminded of the Mongol conquests. If a town didn’t surrender, they would kill every man, woman, and child. Burn the city. Salt the fields, if possible, so that no one could farm there. They would build a mountain of skulls, and invite the reps of the next town to observe it. Capitulate or die.
    It worked. If Ghengis Khan hadn’t of died, when Europe was on her knees, they likely would have conquered all of Europe.
    As it was, the leaders of each Mongol army were required to return to Mongolia to install a successor to Ghengis, and they divided up what was already conquered.
    So, a fluke of history saved Europe.

  6. I guess my point above was that humans, in all history, have been capable of the most horrendous crimes against humanity.

  7. To the Germans, they still were an outside tribe. They were Others, and thus they weren’t protected. At their base level, people are animals. If you are not tribe, you are either predator or prey. If predator, they will destroy you to protect their tribe. If prey, they will take you down to feed their tribe.

  8. But since there was always a “Soviet” (i.e. Bolshevik) judge on the seats of judgement, it would not have been prudent to point out that they were only targeting presumed Bolsheviks since bot Putin and Solzenitsen (Sp?) both noted that 85%+ of the Bolsheviks were Ashkenazim or married to one. As such, in the Soviet area of occupation, a plump jew with good clothes was either a Boshevik or a “fellow traveler” who struck a good deal with the bastards. Not simple “innocents” by any means.

    The 6 Million is a propaganda fiction issued by the Stalinists who killed many more. Ask Trotsky how that workedfor him. Having the National Socialist (German) take the heat for elimination the “Internationalist Socialists (Bolshevik)” just saved some work by the thugs from “Socialism in One Nation (Stalinist)”. “Socialism”; Same-o-Same-O.

    Interesting web site, except for the effort wasted distributing “Socialist” propaganda. “Anti-Semetism” is a fart in the breeze by old Libertarians, and “Woke” hiding their hatred of the Nation of Israel. Corruptocrat behavior in Afghanistan makes Israel look good by comparison.

    Were you even paying attention?

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