Protester learns not to stand in front of a car and attack it the hard way – Update

There was a riot in Tacoma, Washington last night, because it was a weekend in Washington, and that is what Leftists in the Pacific North West do for fun.  They destroy property and burn shit to the ground LARPing like a Bolshevik Revolutionary.

A group of these rioters surrounded and attacked a police officer inside a Ford Explorer Police Interceptor.  Several of them believing that standing directly in front of the vehicle would magically stop the officer from moving forward, trapping him for a continued attack.

The thing is, physics and mechanical engineering doesn’t care about feelings.  A turbocharged six-cylinder, 4,000-lbs SUV will win in a game of chicken against frail human bodies powered fed a steady diet of soy lattes and microbrew.


I can’t disagree with the above sentiment.

That dude got run the fuck over.  Totally under the wheels.

Apparently, the police were responding to other people doing donuts at an intersection because chaos and anarchy is the way things are done in Washington state.


The guy had tire marks on him.  Hit so hard it knocked the shoes off his feet.


These rioters trust that the people they are terrorizing are not willing to harm them.

They believe that they can threaten to hurt, hurt, and possibly kill other people, but the people being attacked should and will cower and take it.

They simply assume that others will not fight back with force, especially lethal force.

That’s why they stand in front of cars.  They fundamentally believe that a threatened drive won’t stomp on the gas and turn them into human bowling pins and it shocked them to the core every time they are proven wrong.

What needs to happen is for these people to be run over every single time.  Eventually, it will dawn on them that trying to block a car and attack a driver is an act of suicide.

I just hope the video evidence is enough to exonerate the cop.  Hopefully dash cam footage will be released.

Update: more news.

It seems like this was a good shoot vehicular defensive action.

If that is on the dashcam video, this was entirely justified.

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A Bit Foggy This Morning

Fog is still a weather phenomenon that freaks me out a bit, (only beaten by tornadoes). I know, I have gone through hurricanes, but a spot of low clouds makes me antsy? What can I tell you? I am not wired right.  And I get all cowardly if I have to drive…which I rather not as I am not ballsy enough to pay the odds of driving blind.

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Communications is next or the FCC under the Democrats

On January 20th, the day of Joe Biden’s Presidential Inauguration, Ajit Pai stepped down from his role as Chair of the Federal Communications Commission. Pai’s departure came well before the end of his current term, which was scheduled to finish in June of 2021. Democratic commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel has been appointed as acting chair for the moment as the Commission faces down a number of daunting issues that will play out during the Biden presidency.

The FCC is about to undergo a huge shift that could drastically affect the internet

Oh yes! We are now saved from the evils of service providers that were unencumbered by strict regulations and provided us with…lower prices.

The article mentions AT&T-DirecTV and T-Mobile which happen to be two companies we use and we have been abused so much by them!  Allow me to share our ordeal.

I started my broadband experience  under Obama’s Net Neutrality with AT&T and a 30 Mbps account but after those evl Republicans ended it,  this is my speed just now.

My speed quadrupled! And guess what? I am still paying the same amount I did initially but getting more bang for my buck.

DirecTV. Since Mom died, we eliminated some channels she watched, so we are paying a bit less, but for all intents and purposes, we are paying almost the same for almost a decade and we have gotten some new channels in the mix.

T-Mobile? Those evil greedy bastards have us paying for $70 for 2 unlimited accounts! How dare them give us much more for less money!

So I fear that an FCC under the Biden Democrat administration is going to screw competition big time and we are going to end with less services and crappy service because “equality” and even restrictions depending on how you are electorally registered.

Hat Tip Be Low

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Vehicular First Aid Kit: The final touches.

And I think I am done with the Vehicular First Aid kit.

Got the stickers just now and now there won’t be confusion about what is the box for. And that thing on top is an inexpensive head lamp that will also reside inside the box in case I need to work in the dark.

The temptation was wanting to add more and more stuff that does not necessarily meets the criteria of “regular booboos” but more into the “Oh Sh**!”  realm. But I controlled myself by thinking that tourniquet is not necessary if the person has a splinter in the finger or an Israeli bandage for some dirt in the eye.

I hope this series of posts may have helped you somehow. And the missus is no longer saying “Are you done milking that?” 😀


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