And I think I am done with the Vehicular First Aid kit.

Got the stickers just now and now there won’t be confusion about what is the box for. And that thing on top is an inexpensive head lamp that will also reside inside the box in case I need to work in the dark.

The temptation was wanting to add more and more stuff that does not necessarily meets the criteria of “regular booboos” but more into the “Oh Sh**!”  realm. But I controlled myself by thinking that tourniquet is not necessary if the person has a splinter in the finger or an Israeli bandage for some dirt in the eye.

I hope this series of posts may have helped you somehow. And the missus is no longer saying “Are you done milking that?” 😀


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Vehicular First Aid Kit: The final touches.”
  1. you’re not milking it; you’re providing the opportunity for less educated to get informed.
    I never used to carry any “emergency” stuff like that in my car, until after a nasty school bus accident, some miles from my house. I wasn’t involved, nor was any of my family, but it was the catalyst that finally made me put together a trama kit, carry some blankets, and some other things. the MTM 3-pack of .50 BMG cans with carrier is a great and easy way to carry that stuff, plus an electric tire pump, small yank strap, small towels for hands, and a bottle of water or 2, for cleanup.

  2. So, at the risk of helping you milk it more…

    Any chance of a quick & dirty “fun with kydex” post or three? I may have missed them if you’ve done them in the past (last couple years have seriously sucked on a personal level…) but I never thought of using kydex for anything other than sheaths & holsters. Most of my dividers are foam or old political signs that I acquired after elections and cut up.

      1. Ugly is fine. As long as it’s functional. And honestly, pictures aren’t really necessary. Even a ‘hey, here’s some things you can do with kydex with a heat gun and hot glue’ would be useful. I tried looking stuff up after your last post and all I find are blog posts and videos of artisan-level kydex creations, ‘don’t tell my wife I heated it in her oven before I formed it around my pistol’, or ‘lolz, hey haxx0rz, l00k @ my l33t n3w z0mbie ki113r sh3ath!!1!!!11!!’

        Seriously, never even thought of using it to make dividers, but now I’ve grabbed one of my empty plastic ammo cans and started seeing what would fit.

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