Setting yourself up for failure is not admirable.

And before y’all lose your shit about fat-shaming the woman in the photo, allow me to share the fact that I am also obese so I speakĀ  from a position of knowing the problems.


You see, to tell fat people that they can enter an Ironman-type contest with that body and making them believe that by spending that much money they will be losing weight is a damnable lie. The only thing that will happen is a hole in the bank account and possibly a trip to the ER after they collapse out of the bike and into the pavement. After they recover, they will put the equipment up for sale and go back to nurse their Egos in front of a large pan sausage pizza and a gallon of Dairy Queen Choco-Dipped- Strawberry Blizzard. Any alleged work simply vanishes.

I began my dieting back in May and a low-impact exercise regime in July. It is basically counting calories like a MoFo and cut down the intake while trying to burn as much as I can with this messed up back I have. I am not telling you how much I was weighing when I began, but as of this morning, I had lost 81 pounds and my goal is to lose another 50 before I decided to slow down a bit and maybe remember what a pizza or a lasagna tastes like. I am going to break my diet for Christmas by making the first Spanish Omelet in eight months. You old reader can retrieve your lower jaw and place it in the upright position: Yes, I have not had my favorite dish since I started dieting.

As with everything, it is discipline in the application of a plan that works for you. And to also understand that setting stupid unreachable goals is only setting yourself up for failure and collecting more pounds.

And I rather spend the money on a bolt action rifle with a nice scope, perhaps in 30.06 since it will give me a nice upper body workout.

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Where am I? When am I?

It’s early in the morning. You hear a knock at your door.Ā  You go down stairs to see what is going on.Ā  You crack open the door to peek outside when suddenly the door is thrown into your face.

A Cadre of men in Jackboots, breeches, SchirmmĆ¼tze style peaked caps, and grayish coats push their way into your home.

From polished black leather flap holsters on Sam Browne belts, they draw German made, single stack, 9mm pistols that use an obscure and high toleranced, non-Browning operating system.

They point the pistols at you while telling you that thaey are there because your neighbor denounced you.

You’re shocked and confused, still groggy from being woken up at the early hours and hit in the face with a door.

What in the world is going on?

What is happening?

Did you get sucked into some sort of time vortex?

Is this Berlin in 1938?


As your eyes regain focus everything suddenly becomes clear.

It’s still 2020, you live in New Jersey, and your neighbor saw you coming come from the gym without a mask on in your car.


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I support this bipartisan effort

When you have AOC, Tulsi Gabbard, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul all calling your bullshit “Bullshit!”Ā  You know it’s bullshit.Ā  You can take that to the bank.

Fuck, it’s a cold day in hell when Ben Shapiro agrees with AOC, but he did.

I can support this bipartisan effort to stop this bullshit bill.

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