That’s a nice country you have there, it would be a shame if Biden weren’t President of it

The Left has gotten shameless in their threats.

Real law-and-order Republicans would not bow to threats of violence and extortion.

This is tantamount to hostage taking by a mob.

If this is the plan, we’re going to need more ammo.

The Democrats can’t use a mob veto on an election.  If they do, our Democracy is over.

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Gal Gadot is too sexy but Twerking 11-year-olds is art… explain to me why I shouldn’t assume that the Left is a cabal of pedophiles

In the last couple of days, I’ve seen several Left-leaning sites defend the Netflix release of the Sundance award-winning film Cuties.

Defenders of Hollywood keep sending the message “don’t judge it until you see it.”  (WaPo and the New Yorker said the same thing)

Apparently the controversy is from the Netflix description:

Additionally, Vulture reports, the description on the film’s Netflix page read at the time, “Amy, 11, becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew. Hoping to join them, she starts to explore her femininity, defying her family’s traditions.”

One dance routine has been posted online.  I’m not linking it here.

The original reviewer was deleted but a screenshot was captured an posted online.

That is disgusting.

Now let me remind you that when Wonder Woman came out, the Left was up in arms that the costume Gal Gadot was wearing was overly sexual.

A costume, by the way, that covered more of Gal Gadot than the costumes these girls wore for their dance routine.

So I just want to see if I understand the situation.

A 32-year-old woman doing stunts in a mini skirt and corset is overly sexual, the director is a misogynist for the costume, and we are bad people if we go to see the movie…


A group of 11-year-old girls simulating intercourse in spandex short-shorts and sports bras is art that you should see before you criticize it, and if you do criticize it you are a xenophobic, misogynist, racist knuckle-dragging reactionary because it is a French film made by a Senegalese Muslim woman.

From this, I might be inclined to believe that Hollywood press and critics are a bunch of pedophiles trying to normalize their perversion.

But I keep being told that is something in the realm of a 4Chan conspiracy theory.

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CNN flacking for an attempted murderer

Gaige Grosskreutz was interviewed by CNN on 9/11.  I missed it at the time because of everything else that was going on.

Of course, CNN would make Grosskreutz the sympathetic character.  They are a Leftist hack propagandist organization.

Video from that night showed how Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse with his hands up then drew his weapon before getting his bicep blown away.

That wasn’t acting as a medic trying to help someone, that was an attempt at murder.

I also pointed out before that one of Grosskreutz’s friends posted on his behalf that Grosskreutz’s only regret was being too slow on the draw and not killing Rittenhouse first.


CNN never asked about any of this because it doesn’t fit the narrative that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist terrorist mass shooter that the Left has locked on to.

Grosskreutz was there to commit mayhem and paid the price for it.

After watching this intervew with CNN, I’m glad he’s in constant pain.

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BLM: “I hope they die, Motherf***ers!

Via Legal Insurrection;

You may or may not know 2 LASD officer were ambushed in their car.

And in a confirmation why I keep calling them Antifa/BLM and must be treated like terrorists:

In what has to be one of the most debased acts of the entire antifa-BLM nightmare visited upon the American people this year, a group of these evil anti-American Marxists crowded around the hospital chanting “We hope they die!”.


And from Newsweek:

Two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies are fighting for their lives after they were shot multiple times at point-blank range in an ambush, authorities said.

Crowds of protesters blocked the entrance to St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, where the wounded officers were in a critical condition, police said. Some protesters chanted “we hope they die,” the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said on Twitter. A witness told ABC7 that some had tried to break into the hospital’s emergency room.

If you do not respect the sanctity of a hospital and have no mercy for the wounded enemy, expect at least twice the return when it is your turn.


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BLM supporters are really engendering sympathy for their cause (N-word warning)

A video from a witness to the Compton LAPD shooting.

(N-word warning)

Don’t you just feel a well of sympathy in your heart for their cause?

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Another tests post

We are fluxing, I stupidly posted before all was fixed so those already enjoying  the new host missed it. I will repost them here if AWA can’t do the miracle, and he has been doing plenty of those with me around.

So… Lemme upload and image and you guys let me know.

I got addicted to this thing… Misus too.

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