Why you need an AR-15 and some XM193

Portland Antifa is upping the ante.


Once more for the Memory Hole:


Antifa is equipping themselves with body armor.  Real bulletproof vest.

Those look like soft armor, but AR500 plate armor has become so cheap and widely available it wouldn’t take much to upgrade those vests.

Your handgun will not punch through that.

Some XM193 will.

Some M61 7.62×51 AP would also be useful too.

When Antifa feels like it needs body armor and ballistic helmets to do what they want to do, you know it is going to be bad.

This is an enemy preparing for war.  Do not underestimate them.

At this point, if I could start legally stockpiling explosives I would.


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I wonder if Ish can smell the burning plastic?

More Antifa attacks on residential communities.

That went along with this mob action.

Understand why they burn something like a mattress.  Burning plastic like this smells horrible and releases toxic chemicals.  This isn’t just about setting a fire.  This is smoking out a neighborhood.

It is a siege tactic as old as there have been sieges.

In ancient times, enemy invaders would burn dead rotting animals upwind of a fortification because the horrible smell would demoralize defending troops.

Combatants in the Middle East would burn tires upwind of American fortifications to sicken American troops.  Inhaling burning rubber and plastic is harmful.

Shield walls, catapults full of sickening material, and smoking out people in their homes.  Antifa has adopted the tactics of a medieval conquering army trying to take a fortification.

These people are literally under siege.

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“Stop using the color of my skin as an excuse to tear up my city.”

Murphy Robinson, executive director of public safety has a few choice words to say about the “peaceful protesters” that graced Denver with their presence.


“I want to be clear, what we experienced last night was not a protest. It was anarchy,” said Murphy Robinson, executive director of public safety. “The people that showed up last night — the anarchists that showed up last night — brought weapons to the table. They had guns, they brought explosives, axes, machetes and had one intent purpose and that was to harm our officers that were there to serve in the line of duty to protect our city.”

“The narrative that these anarchists are marching for justice of Black lives is frankly false,” said Robinson, who is Black. “The public needs to know that you do not represent us. Stop using the color of my skin as an excuse to tear up my city.”

Police: 12 arrested, 1 officer hurt during riot in Denver

Let’s see if he means what he said or it is just pretty words to calm the populace.  Ihave the feeling that Antifa will come back, heads will be busted and the usual suspects will appear condemning the cops for their brutality and defend the Black Block’s First Amendment Right to Burn Loot and Murder

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Police Shooting in Kenosha, WI. And of course, riots ensue.

What was that guy thinking is beyond me, but I can’t fault the cops for being paranoid. And the shooter is alive in the hospital. He was given immediate First Aid by the cops present at the scene. Notice how these videos always seem to start too late to give you more context?

Wisconsin, being the Soviet State in the Union, promptly responded.

One cop is down:

So who is this new martyr in the fight for equality and saving the Black race from the evil White Cops? A wanted felon with a history of violence and sexual abuse.

So the good people of Racine, Wisconsin are burning the place down because they deem that a shitheel that will gladly beat them and sexually assault women is a worthwhile individual to “defend.”

Living in interesting times, aren’t we?

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We have stayed our hands for too long

I have no idea who the fuck Robert Evens is.

I gather he is some sort of Antifa hero and mouthpiece.

I saw one of his threads on Twitter about the Saturday fight between Antifa and Proud Boys.

I have no love for the Proud Boys or any on the alt-right.  Fuck ’em.

But this thread almost made be blow a gasket.


This thread screams of the propaganda both the Nazis and the Soviets used, promoting the superiority of the German Ubermensch or the  New Soviet Man.

Fuck if this guy isn’t essentially pushing Antifa as the New Soviet Man.  Strong and fearless in the face of all resistance because of their commitment to the cause.

The problem is that after 83 days of victory, they have no reason not to believe in the superiority of their kind.

Every fiber of my being is screaming that we need to break them and break them hard.

I no longer care about their civil rights.

The next time Antifa gathers like that a bunch of patriotic Law Enforcement need to show up armed with MK48 MOD 1s and open fire into the crowd until there are no survivors.

After that, just Arc Light every massing of Antifa.

No more pepper spray, the only thing we should be soaking Commies with is thickened gasoline.

They have been emboldened by their wins.

They need a loss so hard it will be spoken about for generations.

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This is gross and people should be shot for it

From Saturday’s riots in Portland.

The mob is attacking people with piss and shit.

Literally piss and shit.

Like mental patients.

Who collets piss and shit and stuffs it into balloons and condoms?

How do you do that?  Does Antifa set up buckets for collection from volunteers?  Are there assembly lines of people forcing shit into water balloons like when they made shields?  Who agrees to do that job.

I don’t want to think about it.  Really.

All I can say is that if I got hit with a water balloon full of shit, I would shoot the person who hit me with it.  No bullshit.  Not even with something they might survive.

I went hunting once.  I gut shot a 100 lbs pig with a 7mm Remington Magnum loaded with a 175 grain soft point.  It put a hole in that pig I could pass my arm through.  Intestines hanging out the exit wound for a couple of feet.  The shot wasn’t instantly fatal, the pig screamed for a another couple of minutes until the guide we were with shot it in the head with a 22.  It was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen in my life and is why that is the one and only time I have ever hunted.

The person who hits me with a water balloon full of shit is going to get gut shot with that same 7mm Remington Magnum and that same 175 grain soft point load and can die screaming with his intestines hanging out just like that pig.

I’m not fucking around.  Anybody who sprays another human being in the face with piss or shit because of a political disagreement deserves nothing less.

Considering the diseases that can be spread this way, including hepatitis which can be a death sentence, this is just another justification for the police to start breaking up these riots with lethal force.

When people behind a shield wall are hurling water balloons full of shit at the cops.  The cops should shoot through the shield wall.


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