MSNBC Projection tells you what they are planning for the election

The first thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to the Left is that they project constantly.  Whatever evil exists in their minds is what they accuse the Right of wanting to do.

MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heileman went on a rant that federal law enforcement in Blue cities was how Trump was going to steal the election.

What scared me was when he started talking about Trump using federal law enforcement as polling place “security” to intimidate voters and steal the election.

That was an old Democrat trick, where politicians relied on the Klan to intimidate black voters and drive them from the polls.

For him to bring this up again suggest to me the Left is considering employing this tactic again, using Antifa to intimidate potential Trump voters.

They make the argument that federal LEOs are fascists and they get #Gestapo trending on Twitter.  Antifa shows up claiming to be “anti-fascist” justifying whey they need to be poll security.

Heileman lifted the mask a little bit and gave us a preview of what they are considering in November.

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Trump just baited the Democrats into a serious trap

There are times when I’m convinced Trump is a dumbass and there are times when I’m convinced he’s operating on a higher plane of thought playing people in 4D chess.

This is one of those in the latter category.

From CNN:

Trump signs order targeting undocumented immigrants in the US census

President Donald Trump signed a presidential memorandum on Tuesday that would exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted in congressional districts when district lines are redrawn next year.

The memorandum marks the Trump administration’s latest effort to change the way US populations are counted and advance the President’s immigration agenda. And like previous efforts, the issue will end up in court.

“I have accordingly determined that respect for the law and protection of the integrity of the democratic process warrant the exclusion of illegal aliens from the apportionment base, to the extent feasible and to the maximum extent of the President’s discretion under the law,” the order states.

For a lot of people, this makes sense in a from the gut, common sense sort of way.  The House of Representatives is supposed to represent We the People of the United States.  They are our Representatives, we vote for them, we pay taxes which pay for their salaries.  Members of Congress are required to be US Citizens.

This immediately ticked off the Left.

The Left is now going to go full-tilt into “we have to include undocumented workers in Congressional apportionment.”

All Trump has to do is put numbers to this.  There are roughly 22 million illegals in the US.   The average Congressional seat represents roughly 700,000 people.

That means it would be possible to have 31 Members of Congress who do not represent a single US citizen or lawful resident alien as a constituent.  That’s more seats than New York or Florida and almost as many as Texas.

The news has been filled with stories of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens of Californa and New York moving to Texas, Florida, Utah, Idaho, and other states.

But if we start to add in Illegal immigrants, suddenly California could gain seats, and since we are limited to 435 seats, that means that Middle America will lose seats.

That is the whole point, of course.  Take seats away from Red states and give them to the urban sprawl of NYC and California to fill with Leftist place holders like AOC.

The 4D chess that Trump just engaged in is to make this part of the 2020 Campaign.

Trump: “Congress should represent American Citizens and legal immigrants.”

Democrats: “We want all 22 million undocumented immigrants to be represented by Congress.”

Pelosi: “MS-13 gang members are my constituents too.”

Moderate Middle America: “Excuse me, but what the actual fuck?”

 The Democrats are just dumb enough to die on this hill demanding that illegal immigrants, no matter how recently they entered the country, are entitled to Congressional representation, not realizing just how unpalatable this is to a lot of people.

I could be wrong, but I suspect that as we are coming out of a pandemic and people are hoping to get back to work, the Democrats backing illegals to the hilt will backfire, and Trump knows this and is baiting them into it.

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Antifa Chicago is getting properly trained.

Medieval siege techniques.

The cops were there just for assistance in crowd mobility and they were ambushed.

Antifa  upgraded the projectiles thrown at cops to cans of soda or other beverage. How is that not deadly force is beyond me.

49 officers injured in total. Sadly we can expect a grave injury or death soon.

They want you dead, they want them dead.

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In case you forgot: They want you dead.

The great advanced and progressive city of Portland bring you the following demonstration of kindness during “peaceful protests.”

Black Lives Matter, you faggot.”

I am suitable impressed.  IK do not need to elaborate.

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This is better than a shoulder thing that goes up

So Cenk Uygur, the racist, anti-Semitic, beastiality fetishist, Leftist with a show named after a genocidal political party, went to Twitter with another one of his insane ideas.

This time, he wanted to recruit people to help overthrow Donald Trump if Trump loses the election and the military doesn’t immediately take him out of office.

(Let’s forget for a moment that’s not how it would work even if Trump refused to step down come Biden’s inauguration.)

Sure, why the fuck not.  Let him have his little Young Turk revolutionary fantasy.

There were a number of replies, but this one made me laugh.


Look again.  That’s not ammo for something belt-fed with a giggle switch.

That is a box of 300 Win Mag soft point in a cheap elastic cartridge bandoleer that she wants you to think is belt-fed badassery.

Teresa here is a pro-Bernie, socialist, activist trans-woman from Portland.

He also happens to look like an old cat lady.

His last Twitter post about guns was this:



I’m going to infer from this that he is not terribly pro-gun.

The last time I went to Cabela’s, the only ammo they had in stock was hunting ammo in overbore and oddball calibers, e.g., 7mm Rem Mag, 300 Win Mag, 25-06, 17 Mach 2, etc.

Considering that Teresa here didn’t post a picture of his gun, there is a substantial part of me that suspects that he actually bought a box of hunting ammo and a bandolier at the local sporting goods shop just to take that picture.

I could be wrong, but all the evidence points in the direction of an internet tough guy and not the second coming of Che that he thinks he is.

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