Why we should surrender Portland and let it burn

Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough.

We have seen an incredible amount of damage and violence come from the riots in Portland, which as of last night, had been going on for 50 days straight.

The riots have caused $23 million in damage, at least $4 million in direct physical damage to property.

Portland police have been ineffectual, because of the mayor’s orders, and so federal law enforcement was brought in to protect federal property.

The Leftist politicians of Oregon are adamantly against this.

Yes, that is a United States Senator calling US federal LEOs “Trump’s secret police.”

The mayor made it clear his plan was to let the riots just burn themselves out.  How much damage they did in the process is irrelevant.

Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has gotten in on the act of calling federal law enforcement “Stormtroopers.”

She is pushing the lie that the protests were peaceful and not utterly violent and destructive.

The hashtag #PortlandKidnappings is trending, because Twitter is clearly biased.

The Oregon AG is filing suit against federal agencies for the arrests.

Clearly the Left wants the riots in Portland.  I have no idea why, but they do.

You cannot protect people from themselves.  That is a losing proposition.

It is for this reason that I believe that Trump should pull all federal law enforcement, federal judges, federal attornies, essentially all federal employees out of Portland.

Let Antifa win.  Seriously.

We all know how the Left is.  The revolution always eats its own.

So yes, I want to see Antifa death squads go on a Maoist/Stalinist/Hitlerian purge of Democrats who are not as Left as Antifa.

I want to see Antifa pull Mayor Wheeler out of his office due to some accusation of a lack of ideological purity, and shoot him in the back of the head.

I want homes of Portlanders with Priuses parked in the driveway covered in “Obama,” “I’m With Her,” and “Coexist” bumper stickers raided and the homeowners dragged out and murdered because they didn’t show enough solidarity for the revolution.

I want the Left to have to grovel and beg on bended knee to be saved from the Antifa Reign of Terror.

They sowed those seeds, they should be forced to eat the poisonous fruit.

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New York Non-Priorities (We are living in the Theater of the Absurd)

I had just come back from checking  #NYPD when I read J Kb’ post.  Manpower mis-utilized to literally watch paint?

Well, they are not gonna touch this one unless they want to be terminated from the job for abusing a deprived minority. 🙂 (OK, the cops arrestedher/him)

In the meantime, where is Paul Kersey?



Beauty techniques

Just give them an orange apron and send them to the closest Home Depot to watch the cans.

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Another airport fight caught on video and the lessons to learn from it

I don’t know what airport this happened in but the video is disturbing.


I want to be clear on this, I am not victim-blaming, but always start with de-escalation.  There is no need to make rude gestures at people you don’t know.  Rude gestures are never a justification for violence, but it’s just better to stoically walk away.


Escape and evasion.  If that fight is coming, get the fuck out of there.


If the fight happens, stay on your feet, don’t let yourself go to the ground.  When your head is at foot level, they will always try to stomp your brains in.  Stay on your feet.


There are no rules in a fight.  Anything you do to come away with minimal damage is fair game.  You fight like a wolverine on PCP.  Unleash your inner berserker and go fucking mad.  Anything you can use as a weapon, use as a weapon.  Go for the eyes.  If they can’t see they can’t fight.  Gouge eyes, stab eyes, a start yourself an eye-kabob with a ballpoint pen.

They may fight you because you insulted their dignity.  You are fighting for your life, act like it.

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New York priorities

First this headling:

Shootings up 130% in New York City


Now, these Tweets:

This is Mayor de Blasio’s priority:

Protecting the words “Black Lives Matter” painted on the street in front of Trump Tower – not sending the police to protect black lives in black communities where most of this violence is happening.

New York is reaping what is sowed and that is death and destruction.


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Pearl clutching in Portland: Suddenly certain fashion choices are not good.

The Left doe not like when you use your rules against them.

They are seriously pissed off because they cannot game the encounters in their favor.  Antifa has had the support of the local government and an arrest by the locals is just a badge of honor without consequences.  But with the feds is different. How different? You don’t get bail or released on your own recognizance.

This is a collage of screencaps from the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Jail system.

Click to enlarge

There are arrest from yesterday. People arrested by Portland PD are immediately released back to the front lines of rioting. Those arrested by the US Marshal Office are going nowhere.  There is no Catch and Release program at a Federal level.

And obviously, the same pictures above disprove the rumor that the poor darlings are bein disappeared a lo Pinochet by a Federal Secret Police. But, a narrative has been stablished, it can be used against Trump so the lies need to be repeated.

Here is the thing that I have posted several times in Twitter: You want to neutralize the Federal cops? I am gonna quote myself from one of my tweets with the solution:

You don’t want the Fed cops? Don’t mess with federal buildings or employees. So easy, even Antifa should be able to do it.

The hypocritical pearl clutching will continue till is no longer useful.

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Trump should let Portland burn

This is a follow up to some posts by Miguel and myself.

The Left went monkey-shit over some federal law enforcement arresting two Antifa in Portland.

These officers were Customs and Border Patrol.

The CPB released a statement about the arrest.


CPB agents had information indicating that the person in the video was suspected of assaults and federal agents or destruction of federal property.  Once CBP agents approached the suspect, a large and violent mob moved towards their location.  For everyone’s safety, CBP agents quickly moved the suspect to a safer location for further questioning.  The CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter.  The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidence against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect the country.


CBP senior official Mark Morgan stated again that the officers do not display their names because of doxing.  This is what I said the other day.

The actions of the Left made face coverings and no name tapes necessary.  They brought that on themselves.

Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf took a moment to praise the officers working to maintain law and order in Portland.


He also set the facts straight about what happened at the protests requiring a DHS response.

The comments to the Secretary’s Tweets make my blood boil.


In a perfect world, someone would have rolled and M67 under Clymer’s rack and teach that commie fuck a lesson.

This piece of shit is a founder of March 4 Our Lives.

I can’t take anymore.  The blood is pounding in my ears going through the replies.

I know this is projection.  That is what the Left does.

Antifa is tormenting, beating, and doxing people to enforce total ideological conformity.  They are the ones setting fires, smashing windows, destroying property, and causing chaos.  What they are doing is an American Kristallnacht.

But the fucking call to call the law enforcement who are protecting the citizens threatened by Antifa “fascists” and “Nazis” has driven me absolutely mad.

At this point there is only one thing I think should happen.

Trump should pull all federal law enforcement out of Oregon.  Every last one.

Then state that they will only come in at the explicit request of local leaders, e.g., mayors, county commissioners, governor.

Lastly, like he did in Minnesota, reject federal financial assistance to any location that doesn’t get shit under control.  I’d add in that the federal government will sue localities for damages to repair federal property damaged or destroyed by rioters.

When the fascists call you fascist, just walk away.

It’s not worth the fight at this point.  Antifa has to be let go to go so over-the-top that it’s indefensible for even CNN.

I figure that is about the time that Antifa is shooting Obama and Hillary voters for insufficient groveling to BLM, calling them white supremacists.

Step back and watch the whole fucking thing burn.

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