MolsonCoors shooting shows that MSNBC reporter is human garbage

From NBC News:

5 killed in shooting at MolsonCoors campus in Milwaukee; gunman also dead

Five people were killed in a shooting at the MolsonCoors headquarters in Milwaukee on Wednesday, police said.

The Milwaukee Police Department responded to reports of a shooting in the area just after 2 p.m. local time and found the suspect, a 51-year-old Milwaukee man, dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Authorities also found five employees of the “old Miller brewery” killed in the attack, Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales said.

The chief didn’t give a motive for the shooting but did say no others were injured in the attack.

It is being rumored on the internet that the shooter was a former employee.  MolsonCoors has been undergoing layoffs as part of a corporate restructuring.

This is terrible.

That didn’t stop Politico and MSNBC reporter Zach Everson from making it worse by being a piece of shit.

Here is the ad:

Peter H. Coors supported the NRA more than three decades ago because he loves duck hunting.

What does this 34-year-old ad have to do with today’s shooting?

Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.  Nothing at all.

Except that someone in Everson’s perverted mind, it must justify why five innocent employees were killed in the facility.

We know nothing about the shooter.  We know nothing about his background or how he got his gun.  We know nothing about why he went on his rampage.

But some professional anal fistula wanted to blame Peter Coors and the NRA for it.

This is not journalism.  This is a sickness brought on by hate.

These sorts of anti-gun people are not our moral superiors, they are angry human garbage.

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What I learned watching the Florida House bill discussions.

I just posted about the Fixing of the Church Carry Bill in the Florida legislature and I learned a couple of things about public testimony.

He did not have a good time

1- You can read a statement. I guess they understand you cannot memorize so reading is accepted, but be understood, read with clarity.
2- Don’t bullshit the legislators.  You have a chance to speak with them, they get a chance to rebut you if they think you need it and they will make you look stupid. Don’t say that you know something will happen for sure if you don’t, I don’t care if it is the tenets of your political club. And that leads to…
3- Know your shit. If you say stupid and lying shit, get rebutted and asked a question and you just stutter while your brain is trying to fabricate a response, you are screwed. And if you start to repeat parts of the original statement.. Oy Vey Bubba, they have your ass in a platter. If you don’t know the answer, do so politely. Better yet, be very prepared and expect being grilled.
4- Control your emotions and face. Don’t look like a kicked puppy or like a hurt bitch who would like to claw their eyes out. You are being streamed into the webs and generally legislators do not like to be eye-fucked.
(Eye fuck: (slang, vulgar) To stare at, especially at something or someone with which one has a hostile relationship.) 

That is all.

PS: Share your experiences in the comments.


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Florida Gun Rights 2020 – CS/HB 1437 – Fixing Church Carry -Voted favorably by the Judiciary UPDATED w/ Vote)

UPDATE: Total Yeas: 12
Total Nays: 5
Total Missed: 1
Total Votes: 18

Representative Ramon Alexander (D) broke ranks and voted for the bill. Be nice and send him an email thanking him for his vote because you know he is getting a lot of hate right now. ( He is also in Twitter @RamonAlexander.

General Bill by Criminal Justice Subcommittee and Williamson and Trumbull (CO-SPONSORS) Altman; Andrade; Byrd; Donalds; Drake; Hill; Hogan Johnson; Roach; Sabatini; Stone; Yarborough
Safety of Religious Institutions: Authorizes church, synagogue, or other religious institution to allow concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee to carry firearm on its property for certain purposes; specifies property owner who allows church, synagogue, or other religious institution to use his or her property may prohibit church, synagogue, or other religious institution from authorizing person to carry firearm on property.
Effective Date: July 1, 2020

I don’t have the vote count yet, but even though there was opposition to it, at least one Democrat Rep voiced and voted in favor. Public commentary was, as sadly usual, negative by the 7 or 8 members of Moms Demand that keep showing up, while on our side the only one supporting the bill was the Sheriff’s Association.

This guy looks familiar for one reason or another.

I am guessing the next stop is going to be if the Senate likes the bill and adopts it as its own since they don’t have a version running? No idea, still learning about this Legislative thing. I do know it is the ONLY good gun bill running in Tallahassee.  I don’t want to jinx it, but everything else seems to be stuck in the legislative mud since January and we are running out of time (Thank God). I’ll be officially happy on March 13 when the gavel falls.

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Nice to know where this racist asshole stands

I still haven’t figured out how come this guy is politically untouchable. He must have videos and photos f half the Democrats (and probably some republicans) in NY having sexx with VERY young minors.

And as  i know some will say in the comments, Farrakhan is free to join his brothers any time he wants.

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San Francisco is going to fail in its Coronavirus response

As reported by NBC Bay Area:

SF Mayor London Breed Declares Local Emergency Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
There are no confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus among San Francisco residents

On the one hand, I’m glad to see a city government taking the Coronavirus thing seriously.

On the other hand, the homelessness, vagrancy, human feces on the streets, and tent cities have already caused typhus.  If the Coronavirus were to hit the homeless population of San Francisco and Los Angeles, it would spread like California wildfire.

The declaration of the local emergency will help mobilize city resources, accelerate emergency planning, streamline staffing, coordinate agencies across the city, and allow for future state and federal reimbursement.

Dr. Grant Colfax, director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health, said the declaration allows the county to put more clinicians on call around the clock, along with nurses and case managers.

“It allows us to look at things like shelters and other opportunities for us to expand in the event that that’s necessary and do a broader assessment of the city’s capacity to respond in the event that there is an outbreak of coronavirus in San Francisco,” Colfax said.

This means what exactly?

Is San Francisco going to do anything about the human Petri dish sleeping on city streets that has the potential to be the city’s top vector for infection?

Person transmits Conronavirus to vagrant.  Vagrant spreads Coronavirus in tent city, drug dens, etc., to other homeless.  Infected homeless spread out in the city and transmit the virus to people they come in contact with at shops, BART stations while panhandling, etc.

We have already seen in Los Angeles, how typhus brought in from outside the country spread through the homeless population and infected city workers in City Hall.

This emergency plan doesn’t seem like it is going to address the single greatest disease threat to San Francisco. This feels like willful blindness to me.

Furthermore, in true Progressive fashion, the city assessor has to make this into a race and intersectional victim issue.

Of course, when the Left talks about racism, they mean among the Right.

I have not seen any racism regarding the Coronavirus.  I’ve have not read about bands of roving Rednecks beating up Asians who sneeze.

What I have seen is legitimate questioning of the response of the Chinese government, which like all Socialist/Communist/Authoritarian regimes is not transparent and often lies to make itself look better.

But I guess that is the Left’s newest definition of racism.  It is racist to question authoritarian, totalitarian governments.

If there are questions like “why are we allowing flights in from China or Tokyo?”  That’s doesn’t mean “why are we letting in those people?”  It’s “why are we allowing people to enter the country from known outbreak hotspots?”

So it seems like San Francisco is not taking Coronavirus seriously.  It’s going to continue to ignore the homeless vector for infection and it’s going to lecture us about how our concerns regarding foreign travel and a totalitarian regime handling a deadly outbreak are racist.

I have a feeling that a woke response will be a broke response and if Coronavirus comes to San Francisco they will totally fail to address it properly.

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No imagination left in Hollywood

We harp a lot in this blog about the trash that Hollywood keeps putting out. I guess I officially gave up going to the theaters because if I am forced to spend close to $50 on a movie that sucks the industrial shop vac, unexplained fires would occur across the county.

However tastes in movies is something subjective and what one likes, the others may dislike. So I bring you a little graphic display for the lack of imagination. This collage is from movie trailers you can find in YouTube for incoming movies and were posted within the last 2-3 weeks.

Click to enlarge

They are all different movies. Six multi million productions that have their promotional YouTube avatar looking almost the same.

Not a good marketing strategy. Irascible people like me would go “This is like having all six Sharknados out at once…pass.”


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Faux Fur Stabber found not guilty for reason of insanity.

CLEVELAND — The woman accused of stabbing another woman for wearing faux fur boots inside a Cleveland Heights church was found not guilty by reason of insanity on Tuesday.

Meredith Lowell, who previously pleaded not guilty to the charges against her back in December, waived her right to a jury trial and opted for a bench trial.

The defense presented a report from a doctor that stated that Lowell was suffering from autism spectrum disorder at the time of the stabbing. “At the time of the offenses, Ms. Lowell did not know the wrongfulness of her actions,” the report stated.

Lowell will be taken into temporary custody until her next hearing on March 9.

Woman found not guily by reason of insanity in stabbing over faux fur boots at Cleveland Heights church

This is not the first time she tries to off somebody because Animal Activism and this is the second time she gets off under mental issues.  I hope the judge takes in consideration previous events and sends her to a mental institution where she will probably remain for all of a month.



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