Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez. – (Was he inconvenient?)

We finally got around to watch Netflix’s Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez and the missus and myself came out with the same question: How come this case did not take the airwaves hostage like O.J. Simpson’s case or Trayvon Martin’s? Yes, we hard of some sport figure with the last name Hernandez was in some sort of trouble for killing somebody, but truthfully I thought it was a Hispanic baseball player back home in South Americas doing stupid stuff.

Imagine out surprise when it is a first line NFL player for the ultra hated New England Patriots with a $40 million deal, who happened to be gay and ends up committing suicide in his cell.

It is obvious that the NFL and the Patriots wanted as little do do as possible and as little attention on Hernandez and I bet they exercised as much influence as they could do.  But then, there is the other group of political influencers: The LGQBTIEIEO group.

The Gay Principle states that Gay People are nice, good looking and sexy they do not engage in crime, evil stuff or risky behavior. They will claim Leonardo Da Vinci  or Michelangelo were gay but draw serious amnesia if you ask them about  Brown Shirts’ Leader Ernst Röhm or the rumor that Goering batted for bothe teams. And if you bring that up, you are a redneck with the chains to drag gay men to death in the back of your pick up truck.

So yes, I understand why Aaron Hernandez had some profile with his case, but not the one usually reserved for celebrities behaving that badly. He was inconvenient.

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You feel good post for Monday: Coyote tased & arrested.

And please allow me to introduce Dindu Noffin’s cousin from south of the Border: Mr Yono Izenada

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More evidence that becoming a Progressive means abandoning Jewish values

This is a video of Michael Bloomberg talking about government healthcare rationing.

Let me make this perfectly clear.  This is not a Jewish value.  Absolutely and without equivocation, in no school of Jewish teaching would this be considered acceptable.

It is a duty to choose life.

A doctor might say “at 95, I don’t recommend treatment because the side effects of chemotherapy will kill you faster than cancer.”

But to say “at 95, it’s just not worth the money to treat you” is evil.

It opens the door to some bureaucrat deciding what the value of all human life might be.  Do we stop treating people for cancer at age 70?  How old does someone need to be before we decide even a blood transfusion or a course of antibiotics is too expensive?

What about Bloomberg himself?  He’s 78 years old.  He would be 82 at the end of his first term.  If he wins a second term and gets cancer is he too old or is he special because he’s President and a billionaire?

Of course, he thinks he’s special and the rules don’t apply to him.

Bloomberg can call himself many things, but he can’t call himself a Jew anymore.  He’s a Progressive and has given up every value and shred of morality that has been handed down to us by God.

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Bail Reform leads to criminal high score

I generally hate the New York Daily News, it is the opposite of the New York Post, a far left-leaning New York paper.  It’s famous for its provocative covers, which have been cruel and slanderous to the NRA and gun owners.

But, every once in a while, even the worst people will stumble onto the right answer.

‘Bail reform, it’s lit!’ NYC transit recividist brags he can’t be stopped after his latest arrest for turnstile jumping, skipping court dates

“Bail reform, it’s lit!” Barry said. “It’s the Democrats! The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me. You can’t touch me! I can’t be stopped!”

When he was finally released after his hearing early Saturday, Barry was still enthusiastic about Albany’s decision last year to eliminate bail for nonviolent crimes.

“It’s a great thing. It’s a beautiful thing,” he said. “They punk’ed people out for bull–t crimes.

Barry, 56, who has served six stints in state prison, has been arrested six times since New York’s bail reform laws took effect Jan. 1. 

One court hearing Barry skipped is related to a Jan. 19 incident in which he was given a desk appearance ticket for allegedly stealing $50 out of woman’s hand inside the subway station at W. 42nd St. and Sixth Ave. near Bryant Park. The other hearing he missed was related to a theft in December.

The arrest was the 139th in Barry’s career. His criminal record includes six felonies, 87 misdemeanors, and 21 missed court hearings, records show.

This guy is beyond a career criminal.  He enjoys being a criminal, preying on the law-abiding of New York City and getting away with it.

The good people of New York are nothing more than marks for criminals who know the system is rigged in their favor.  Being a law-abiding citizen in a Progressive city is a sucker’s game, you exist to be taken advantage of.


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The revolution will eat Bloomberg’s people

Miguel posted a video this morning of protesters calling Bloomberg a fascist.

(To be fair, it’s hard for me to disagree with that assessment of Mr. McGunSodaVapingWalkingWhileTextingTransfatSugarBan)

But as history has shown us, the Revolution will always come for its own over purity tests.

Bloomberg might survive due to the amount of money he has in the bank.  Those who will pay the price are his supporters.



David Klion is a writer for Jewish Currents, which is a “Progressive, secular magazine” for the “Jewish Left.”  Really it’s a magazine for Communists who reject their Judaism but like to eat bagels and lox.

One would think that a Jew would uniquely understand the dangers of making lists of political enemies because Jews are pretty much always toward the top of those lists, but as I’ve said many times, Progressive/Leftist Jews stop being Jews and just become pure Leftists.



Matt Bruenig here is dispensing with the warning and going straight to making lists of names.

Every Socialist and Fascist (just two flavors of Leftist) government of the 20th century created lists of dissidents.  The people on those lists had their ashes scattered across Germany or were buried in mass graves in Poland or Siberia.

If the Democrat party manages to rig the primary to make Bloomberg “the Moderate” the winner, I have a feeling that the violence that we see directed toward his staff will be tantamount to what we’ve seen carried out by Antifa in Portland.  The Left always ends up destroying itself, and the Democrat offices and officials that will be responsible for this fix are located in deep blue states that have made room for Antifa in the past.

Normally I wouldn’t care if Leftists destroyed each other, but the revolution never has an “are we the baddies” moment.  The victors always end up being the worst and most extreme members.

Maybe I’m being overly negative, but what I see in the future for the Left is terrible for America.

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One that will be unpopular.

Protesters Chant ‘F***** Fascist’ At Bloomberg Rally in Virginia


Do you know what Bloomberg did? Laugh.
Why? Because he won.

At the end of the day, Virginians went to sleep and they woke up under the thumb of a bought Blue Legislature and Executive.

I know these kinds of demonstrations make for a somewhat therapeutical release, but they are at best chinese food: 30 minutes later you are still screwed up. You must prepare for the next battle and stop trying to win the one you already lost.

As for everybody else, specially Florida, get ready for November as they are coming for us. There are legislators leaving because Term Limits and we need to vet whomever is going to substitute them thoroughly.

And no Democrats, sorry Charlie.

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