Florida Californication: HB 289 – Background check for the sales of Ammunition (and more) (update)

by Daley (CO-SPONSORS) Eskamani; Jacobs; Polsky; Smith, C.
Requires background checks for sale or transfer of ammunition.
Daley is another Carpetbagger from NY and yes, a Democrat representing Coral Springs. But wait! There is more! In order to make it more palatable to you, Daley is offering HB 291 
General Bill by Daley
Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition: Provides exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to buyer or transferee who is not found to be prohibited from receipt or transfer of ammunition; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.

Yay! No public records of who buys ammunition!… but comes with a five year sunset proviso and then the records become public.

He is so thoughtful, isn’t he? He probably figures by then the Legislature will be in full Democrat control and can screw with everything gun-related.


UPDATE: there are more House Bill with the same tone against free ammunition sales:

SB 460 .



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Facebook Penalizes this Blog. It seems I clickbaited.

Just got this notification.

So I have been throttled or diminished or whatever they call it because I allegedly clickbaited. What was it?

I missed the second one I was so pissed off. I can see that the Title of the post begins with “Thi..” and I think that is J.Kb.’s post “This is why I carry in Synagogue – a terrible week for Jews in Germany” surely a clickbait for penile pills.

I am not sure, but I can read the beginning of the post and there is a lot of information there. Maybe the ZuckBot can’t read too wall?

Translation: “So we may eventually get to check your request, but we will continue to fuck you and if you complain to much, we won’t pay attention to you at all. Love and Kisses”

I checked to see if I was reported, but there is no “clickbait” option available to the public. Also, I had not bought ads with Facebook so it is not like I am being forced upon people.

So, the Censorship continues unabated.

Anybody wants to give odds on if this post is also tagged as clickbait?

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Handicap Parking Shooter Gets a Hefty Sentence

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) — A white Florida man who told detectives he was irritated by people who illegally park in handicapped spots was sentenced on Thursday to 20 years in prison for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man outside a convenience store.
Circuit Judge Joseph Bulone called 49-year-old Michael Drejka a “wanna-be” law enforcement officer and a self-appointed “handicapped parking space monitor.”
Jurors found Drejka guilty of manslaughter in August.
Drejka confronted Markeis McGlockton’s girlfriend Britany Jacobs in July 2018 for parking in a handicapped space at a Clearwater convenience store. McGlockton had gone inside the store with his 5-year-old son to buy drinks. As the confrontation continued, a customer went into the store and alerted McGlockton.
Security video shows McGlockton leaving the store and shoving Drejka to the ground. Seconds later, Drejka pulls out a handgun and shoots the 28-year-old McGlockton as he backs away.

Killer of black man in parking dispute gets 20 years

Let’s forget the obvious Race Baiting attempt ny AP and repeated by my local Channel 7 and concentrate on the final result. 20 years in prison.  And I want to repeat the judge’s comments because similar words have been posted here.

“wanna-be” law enforcement officer and a self-appointed “handicapped parking space monitor.”

Just because you carry, you are not endorsed by any legal or governmental office to act as cop. In fact it is the the instructional package you get when applying for a Florida CWL. The late Jim Cirillo stated the following:

”You are not sworn to endanger your life to apprehend a dangerous criminal, nor you are paid to do it.”
We return once again to Avoidance, deterrence and de-escalation.  Maybe we should start treating these steps with the same fervor as Cooper’s Rules of Gun Safety.


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Training for Active Shooters in Schools. Realistic?

The training is called A.L.I.C.E.  and stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate. It is the plan/guidelines used by some schools in Florida as response to an Active Shooter Situation:

ALERT- Alert others of the assailant on campus or property. Use radios, intercoms, telephones, etc.
LOCKDOWN- Lockdown if you are in a room with a door that can be secured and barricaded.
INFORM- Call 911 when it’s safe to do so. DO NOT assume someone else is calling 911
COUNTER-By placing time and distance between you and the assailant. Use distractions, barricades, evacuation and whatever other means it take to survive.
EVACUATE- When safe to do so, remove yourself away from the threat. Use windows, doors, etc. to escape danger.

Here is a couple of videos. The first one is the butch part an unknown school system training

I am not an expert but the “pat down the cowlick on the back of his head” does not strike me as an effective strategy. I would personally go for breaking an arm or strangling the asshole to death or even using a pen and stab the hell out of the side of his neck. This video creates a false expectation that once you touch the shooter, he will surrender and you are safe.  This is a frigging Active Shooter, a Killer, not a game of “tag, you are it.” You just grabbed a tiger by the tail and you better have a plan to deal with the effing claws.

Here we have a much longer video from the Marion County School System.  Just jump to 19:39 straight to the explanation of ALICE. You will bypass the stats and history part of the show via Death By PowerPoint boredom and that includes one map extracted from Everytown’s School Shooting database which I have covered before on its accuracy .


Once you have seen what ALICE means and probably catch more than one contradiction, stroll to 32:30 where the fun begins: Hands on demonstrations. You may want to laugh, but it is a sad thing as again reinforces the false expectation that the protocol will save your life.  I have a rifle and I go by a room with windows for a wall and I am not looking inside? And the tables on their side are not a big flag saying “People are hiding here!”? Oh hell yes, bullets will go in.

The second to last part (34:50) was the somewhat useful section, till I realized it is a tad insulting:  Improvised Door Barricades? I am sure more than one teacher will go “I am not waiting for the shooter to show up on campus to McGyver my way into securing the door, I am going to have something already concocted in my garage inside the classroom.  Thank you for showing me a mechanical solution but I will rig my own crap. ”

And the last one (36:59)  was another dumb misrepresentation: A call is made of an Active Shooter and the teacher and kids barricade the door without a hint of stress on them…. because stress was not inoculated to the scenario.  I would like to see if that ballet would have been so elegant if I was in there screaming my lungs off at them while firing blanks. Oh shit, I forgot, we must not traumatize the teachers and kiddies with a dose of realism. Maybe we can do competitions? Have 2 or 3 classes in one room and see who does it faster and better while the others boo and catcall them? Nope, we can’t do that either so the feeling ain’t hurt and still you would have to say everybody did great because everybody is a winner without having to put the effort.

My take, outside a couple of good ideas, this is just an institutional placebo for teachers.

PS: One of the instructors, Tyler Collins is a former police officer and allegedly has a spotted past  including a violent action that ended his employment at a Law Enforcement department and is being sued.  I am not confirming or denying anything since I have not been able to find a photo of Collins in any article mentioning his name and action, but I felt the information needed to be posted. 

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Moral licencing, Woke Capitalism, ChiComs, and the new Robber Barons

There are three concepts we need to put address:

One:  This is how the Encyclopedia Britannica defines Robber Baron:

Robber baron, pejorative term for one of the powerful 19th-century U.S. industrialists and financiers who made fortunes by monopolizing huge industries through the formation of trusts, engaging in unethical business practices, exploiting workers, and paying little heed to their customers or competition. Alternatively, those who credit the explosive growth of American capitalism during this period to the indefatigable pursuit of success and material wealth are likely to celebrate these entrepreneurial tycoons as “captains of industry.” Among the sectors in which they compiled their great wealth were the oil, steel, liquor, cotton, textile, and tobacco industries, railroads, and banks.

The concept of the Robber Baron in the American psyche is a man so greedy, so absolutely consumed by avarice, that he will do anything, regardless of how unethical or unscrupulous it might be, to make more money.

Two:  What we have seen in America in just the last couple of years is something referred to as Woke Capitalism.  We see this with Gillette trying to sell razors to men with a PSA about toxic masculinity.  We see this with the NFL letting players kneel during the anthem and criticize America.  We see this with the NBA pulling out of North Carolina over transgender bathroom policy.

It is the interjection of far Left-wing, social justice ideology into business.

Three: Moral licensing is a psychological phenomenon where people do something good then use that good to give themselves permission to do something bad.  It is paying indulgence to your own conscience.

It’s why a climate activist can raise awareness at a protest then spend a week on a private yacht and not feel bad about it.

Let’s add all of these together now.

What have we seen from Woke Capitalism recently but constant haranguing of Middle Americans about white privilege, toxic masculinity, how racist this country is because of Trump, and a cornucopia of other complaints straight out of Berkeley Gender Studies faculty lounge.

You cannot watch a sports game without it turning into an anti-American lecture from either the commentators or the athletes when they have a microphone jammed in their face.  Hollywood award ceremonies have been an orgy of Woke anti-Middle American sentiment for years.

CEOs, banks, and corporate America are trying to figure out how, and are being championed by the media for it, deny Americans their civil liberties at a faster and more autocratic pace than the Federal government.

Unfortunate, the axiom of “go woke, go broke” is very much alive an well.

So how is a modern-day robber baron supposed to be Woke and make unlimited shit-loads of money?

One word: China.

The ideological blind spot for the Left is the horrors of socialism.  When you mention the 100 million killed in the 20th century in the name of attempting socialist utopias, they tell you “that wasn’t real socialism.”  Or they come right out and say that some people deserved to die in pursuit of socialist equality.

China is a totalitarian socialist state.  Don’t tell me that it’s not.  Just like in the Soviet Union, there were rich people.  They are all well connected and are allowed to be rich because they tow the party line.  The average Chinese citizen outside of a handful of large urban areas mostly on the coasts live in poverty and unrelenting oppression.

The average Chinese citizen in these urban areas might have a slightly higher quality of life, but they still live under unrelenting oppression.  China’s social credit system is a dystopian nightmare that even George Orwell couldn’t imagine.

China also has the largest consumer market of any nation on earth, with over one billion potential customers.  All you have to do is suck up to the Chinese government.

This is the other half of Woke Capitalism.

If you haven’t heard about it yet, Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey made a comment about supporting the Hong Kong protesters.  Unfortunately for Morey, there are more basketball fans in China than there are Americans so the NBA had to stomp on his neck and bend over backward to apologize to China and kowtow to the Chinese government.

NBA coaches and players are free to attack Trump all day long for whatever TDS grievance of the day they feel like, but they are mum on China.

They will yell “Trump is committing genocide on the border” but will kiss the ass of a government that slaughtered 45 million people within the lifetime of half the NBA owners.

This is going so far now that the NBA is throwing fans out of US games for displaying pro-Hong Kong signs.  Americans in America are being censored to protect the feelings of the Chinese government so the NBA can get revenue from China.

The NBA is not the only one.

Blizzard Entertainment, the videogame publisher, just banned a gaming champion for life and fined him his prize money for pro-Hong Kong sentiments during his award speech.  They did this because the gamer market in China is larger than the total population of the US and the Chinese government invests in video game companies.

Hollywood does this too, in spades.

It’s hard to think of a more American movie from the 80’s than Top Gun, where an American Naval Aviator gives a finger during an inverted dive to a Soviet fighter pilot.

Now, Hollywood had to censor one of the patches on Maverick’s jacket to appease the Chinese.

Why, because there are more people who will see Top Gun 2 in China than there are total Americans.

Woke capitalism is made up of ideological radical Leftists who are happy to take all the money from a communist dictatorship like China and feel good about it because they are lecturing Middle America about how evil and privileged they are.

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The Left proves once again how much they hate you and want to kill you – Maoism edition

Last Tuesday was the 70th Anniversary of the Communist regime in China.  If you watched the video I posted yesterday you will understand why this is a day of mourning, not celebration.

Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow with the Heritage Foundation, decided to put that day in perspective with this Tweet.

You would think that this would sober people up.  Make them think twice about China and the horrors that were committed in the name of Chinese Communism.

Never underestimate the hatred of envious Leftists.


Is that enough examples?  Because there are hundreds of replies like this.

What you see in these comments is pure, distilled, class hatred.  Each one of these people lives somewhere, feels entitled to the place they are living in, and rather than pay rent they want to kill the person who owns it and keep the property for themselves without paying.

They want the government to commit armed robbery and murder on their behalf, and they consider that to be a moral position.

If you want to understand why I am a gun owner and feel the way I do, it’s because I was a landlord for a period of time.

I had to relocate for work on short notice.  I didn’t have time to sell my place in Chicago so rented it out so I could afford rent in Omaha.  I didn’t profit on my place, but I did cover costs.

I have a buddy who was let go of his job and had to relocate for work.  He is doing the same thing now that I did.

My father-in-law moved in with his girlfriend and so decided to rent out his place as a second source of income.

None of us are or were slum lords.  I responded to my tenants needs and went out of pocket when they needed a new water heater.

I was just trying to avoid paying for two houses at the same time when I wasn’t living in one of them.

None of that would have mattered to Mao or his forces, and I doubt it would matter to these people here.

I, and my buddy and father-in-law, would have been forced onto our knees and shot in the back because we rented out our homes.

Out there, there are countless thousands of people who want to murder me because I let people stay in a house I had purchased and performed maintenance on in exchange for money.

When you let the gravity of that sink into you, you can see when I have a gun-owning, ammo-stockpiling, visceral hatred for socialists and communists.



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This is why I carry in Synagogue – a terrible week for Jews in Germany

Miguel touched on this a little bit already, but I don’t think he captured the big picture.

From Sunday:

Potential Knife Attacker Allegedly Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ Outside Berlin Synagogue, Walks Free

On Friday, security guards outside a Berlin synagogue stopped a knife-wielding attacker who was shouting “Allahu akbar” and “F*** Israel.” The assailant, later identified as a 23-year-old Syrian migrant, was allowed to walk free by the Berlin police, the German newspaper Bild reported.

The attacker climbed the security fence and drew a large knife before running at the guards. He was disarmed by the Berlin police using pepper spray. The police reportedly did not see any grounds for detaining the assailant, a spokeswoman for the Berlin police said. No injuries were sustained during the attack, media reports say.

Antisemitism isn’t just attacking Jews with a knife.  Antisemitism is also watching someone try and attack Jews with a knife and ignore it like it’s a parking ticket.

Cowardice is the police not adequately dealing with Antisemitic violence when it comes from Muslim sources.

Now recall this quote that I use quite frequently: crime will expand according to our willingness to put up with it.

Given the news from today, it seems like that attack was a test run, demonstrating just how much resistance German police are put up to attacking Jews at worship.

‘Rampage situation’ as two killed in shooting in German city of Halle

Authorities in the eastern German city of Halle say they are dealing with a “rampage situation” after gunmen reportedly targeted a synagogue and a kebab shop in the city, killing two people.

Several shots were fired in the Paulus quarter north of the city centre around midday, police said. The head of the Jewish community in Halle, Max Privorotzki, told Spiegel magazine that gunmen in military gear had tried to force their way into a synagogue but were repelled by security personnel.

They were repelled but not adequately dealt with, i.e., detained or killed, so found new targets to continue their rampage.

One of the attackers had tried to open the door to the synagogue and then the gate to the cemetery by shooting at the locks. “We barricaded the doors from the inside and waited for the police”, Privorotzki added. Worship had continued after the attack, he said.

When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

Witnesses also said the attackers had fired at a nearby kebab shop, reportedly killing a male customer inside. Two people were taken to hospital with bullet wounds, police confirmed.

Germany’s public prosecutor general took charge of investigations but would not comment on a possible background behind the attack. “We are investigating into all possible directions, including antisemitic and rightwing extremist motives”, a spokesperson told the Guardian.

Police later said one suspect had been arrested but urged people to remain vigilant. It did not give any details of the person arrested and said police were in the process of stabilising the situation.

When they don’t give out the information, you know who did it.  If it were some Teutonic neo-Nazi, they would have his name and picture all over the press.

A resident interviewed by the news agency dpa said a man dressed like a police officer had taken aim and shot a young girl with an automatic rifle outside the synagogue, and then thrown a hand grenade over a wall at the Jewish cemetery. The report could not be confirmed.

Another witness said a man wearing a military outfit and helmet had walked up to the Kiez Döner kebab shop on nearby Ludwig-Wucherer-Strasse and thrown a stun grenade at the building that bounced off the door frame. The man had then fired a shot inside the kebab shop, where five or six people were present, the witness said.

I have covered the rise of hand grenade use in Sweden by radical Muslims as they are easily smuggled into the country from Middle East war zones by returning fighters and their families.

I have my suspicions as to who carried this out, but it really doesn’t matter.

This is two attacks on Synagogues in Germany in a matter of months and the police response has been less than stellar.

I’m starting to think that a 45 on my hip and two reloads is not enough gun for Synagogue.  I wonder if I can find a prayer shawl bag large enough to hide a 11.5 inch 5.56 SBR.


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