Clayton Cramer: What I Have Just Sent to the Few News Media Contacts That I Have

This is interesting stuff. 

I have been collecting American mass murders for a year and a half now, starting in 1657.  I have identified 504 incidents with 6568 dead, d I know of least 300 more mass murders to add. (Definition: Three or more murdered in a 24 hour period, and of course excluding acts of war by state actors.)  Just over 26% of these mass murders have either severe mental illness or likely mental ill as the proximate cause.  The attached graphs come from my spreadsheet of horror.  You will notice two major bursts of mental illness caused mass murders: one in the 1860s and 1870s coincident with our first war that produced noticeable PTSD.  The second rise is after the state mental hospital system was destroyed in the 1960s and 1970s.  Of course, this includes all mass murders, of which less than half involve firearms.  Axes, hatchets, knives, and poison have always been very popular.


I do believe this study is going to be very enlightening. Keep an eye on Clayton.

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It’s time for a dad to get involved

While everyone else was busy blaming Trump for the El Paso shooting, another tragedy was unfolding on Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter feed.

I’m not going to defend what these boys were doing.

It was totally inappropriate.  Regardless of how you feel about another politician, posing making demeaning gestures with a cardboard cutout of that politician is wrong.

These boys need a dad to say:

Guys, that is inappropriate behavior.  You are acting as volunteer representatives of the Senate Majority Leader and the GOP as a whole, it is important that you conduct yourselves accordingly.  Do not treat other politicians with such disrespect.  You win people over when you are better.  It’s good that you are enthusiastic, but it is important to behave with character and dignity.  If you wouldn’t be proud if your mom or grandma saw what you are doing, don’t do it.

In a civilized, Twitter free world, people would understand that.

No, we don’t live in that world.  We live in a world run by social media.

In that world, a bunch of teenage boys doing a dumb teenage boy thing must be destroyed.

Keep in mind, nobody was hurt.  It was an inappropriate photo taken with a cardboard cutout, yet rstevenes69 here thinks that these boys should have the rest of their lives ruined.

This call to go after these boys’ chance to ever go to college was not an isolated Tweet.

I’m not including the Tweets, but there are already responses naming these kids and doxxing them.

If threatening their college futures wasn’t enough, some people thought the appropriate response was to saddle them with a criminal record.

Then there were those who decided that political alignment is a factor of pathology

If all that fails, some good old fashioned slander will do.

This is a teachable moment.  We have some boys who need a lesson in respect.

What the internet wants is life-destroying vengeance.

There is no more compassion left, just hate and a desire to hurt those on the other side.

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Why I am worried about the response to white supremacist mass shootings

In the last couple of days, I’ve seen a lot of politicians and pundits say that we need to tackle the issue of violent white supremacism.

Yes, we should.

White supremacism is an evil ideology.  I am not going to defend it in any way.  I condemn it with every fiber of my being.

That doesn’t mean that I am not allowed to worry about the government going after white supremacism.  Remember that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

There are two big problems I see in a war on white supremacism, and both of them relate to collateral damage.

One: Myopia

The Federal Government is very good at getting myopia.  Focusing intently on one issue to the negligence of others.

Back in the 90’s the big fear was militias.  This was the post-Oklahoma city bombing era.  When 60 Minutes ran a special, it was on groups like the Michigan Militia and what they represented.

It was during this time that radical Islam sprang up.  The first World Trade Center bombing and the USS Cole bombing took place while the government was busy addressing the threat of militias.

Then 9/11 happened, and the Federal Government refocused on radical Islamic terrorism.  Following 9/11 there was the Fort Hood shooting, several attacks on military recruiting stations, the Boston Marathon bombing.

All the while, violent white supremacism is metastasizing on the internet.

Now some high profile shootings happen and we are going to focus on white supremacism.  That needs to be dealt with but at the expense of what?

The Synagogue shootings and El Paso were carried out by white supremacists.  Dayton was not.  Neither was the Tacoma ICE attack.

Look at how much coverage the media did for Antifa.  Is a big push to counter white supremacism going to result in ignoring violent Left-wing extremism.

This is not whataboutism.  I want to stop all forms of violence.  I am concerned that because of popular sentiment, that will not happen.

Two: Bad Faith

This is the part that really worries me.  The Left argues in bad faith.  Months ago, I wrote a post about Ted Cruz condemning an actual Nazi running for office in Chicago.  Rather than people on the Left saying “thank you for condemning that” the response was “all GOP are Nazis and you should step down too.”

Then there was the Covington Catholic School media circus, in which we were told by that the MAGA hat was the new Klan hood or Swastika.  This has become the defense for every time a Trump supporter gets beat up, that the MAGA hat is tantamount to a Klan hood or Nazi uniform.

The radical Left has decided that all Republicans are white supremacists. Ben Shapiro addressed this on Twitter just the other day.

Here is a former Obama staffer explaining how all Fox News viewers are the same as the El Paso shooter.

If the Federal Government goes after violent white supremacism, what stops this from being hijacked by the Left as a weapon against every Republican in this country.

Clearly, there are people who see these tragedies as just an opportunity to go after their political opponents.  The anti-gun crowd is notorious for this.  They never explain how their new law would have stopped the last shooter, but they push the new law anyway.

We need to deal with this threat, I am in no way suggesting that we do nothing.

I am just concerned that what will happen is that such action will become an anti-Republican which hunt that turns a blind eye to other forms of violence, allowing them to grow.

I wish I didn’t have these concerns, but I no longer have any faith in our system that people want to solve problems and instead just want to use every opportunity to dig at opponents.

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Just a reminder that they hate us and our culture

Donald Trump Jr. is a noted big-game hunter.  He has traveled the world, spending lots of money, to hunt some of the most exotic game on the planet.

Readers of this blog and people in the gun culture, in general, know that legal hunters are the best environmentalists.  They put their money where their mouth is, and spend more on conservation through taxes and fees (not to mention donations) than all the bird watchers and EV drivers put together.

But the economic reality of big game hunting is neither here nor there to the radical anti-gun crowd.

All they care about is hate.

More accurately: “This is Donald Trump Jr.  He spent north of $30,000 to hunt an old elephant.  Most of that money went to local tribes and anti-poaching efforts to protect other elephants that are still capable of breeding.”

This is where Tom Arnold goes from a regular piece of shit to an incredeble piece of shit.


Tom Arnold is fantasizing about killing Donald Trump Jr. because he disagrees with his stance on legal hunting and then wants to cut off Trump Jr.’s penis as a trophy.

That is a sick and evil position to take.

This is pure hate.  It should be exposed for what it is.

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