NYU graduation speaker demonstrates that a NYU degree is worth sh*t

According to his own website, Steven William Thrasher is “a Contributing Editor at BuzzFeed, ,  [sic] is the 2012 National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association’s Journalist of the Year. 

He also recently completed a Ph.D. in some sort of progressive horseshit at NYU.

This was part of his speech:

This is clearly a person who has never been challenged to think critically on a single idea that he has or position that he holds.

In just over a minute and a half, he says that he is for “radical love” and fighting, among other things, antisemitism, while at the same time calling Israel an apartheid state and praising BDS and the Students for Justice in Palestine, which traffic in the most intense conspiratorial Jew-hatred.

There are so many contradictory ideas in his head, all based on Progressive platitudes.  It is evident he has never been forced to reconcile any of them.

That is the legacy of NYU.  Filling students heads with nonsensical garbage and never demanding that they think through anything logically.

At least this asshole did one good thing, prove to the world that an NYU degree is bullshit.  Another once great university down the shitter, done in by progressives.

This is why Bernie and his ilk want free universal college for all.  So they can turn every person in America into a jabbering idiot without a single congruous thought.


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One more thing to think about on the Dimmer vs. Switch idea

I read Miguel’s post Dimmer v. Switch.


In it, there is this meme:

Larry sort of touched on this.

I’m not going to go into a long thing about how irregular forced, especially those familiar with the local terrain have bested, or at least caused significant casualties to, the best trained foreign invading militaries.

The incomplete list of that is the British in Afghanistan, the Soviets in Afghanistan, the US in Afghanistan, the French in Indochina, the US in Vietnam, etc.

Other authors have done marvelous jobs explaining how civilians with AR-15’s can stand a chance against an M1 Abrams or AH-64 Apache.

That is totally irrelevant, and the fact is the above meme is horseshit.

If Civil War 2.0 ever gets kicked off, I can all but guarantee that the US government isn’t going to have working tanks and helicopter gunships, or combat aircraft or drones or anything else like that.  Not in any significant quantities at least.

I work with a lot of veterans.

We have discussed memes like that before.

Here is the inside scoop that the Left does not understand at all.

At.  Fucking.  All.

The people I know who enlisted did so because they are patriots.

The idea of being ordered to attack American civilians to confiscate their guns is abhorrent to them.

Simply put, good luck getting these guys to follow the order from any petulant shit-ass President to march down Main Street of their home town to get them to detain their civilian friends and neighbors.

So what about the tanks and helicopters.

A buddy of mine is a former military helicopter maintenance tech.  He made it clear that if the US military were to use helicopter gunships on American civilians, he personally, and he knows many others like him who, would “sabotage the fuck out of” those aircraft.

Extrapolate that to every weapons system in our arsenal.

The think about every military armory.

Think about how much ammo, how many guns and grenades, mortars, and man-portable ordnance, would be carried out of every armory and magazine by US troops defecting because they are not going to shoot other Americans over some gun ban, or socialist wealth redistribution, or they didn’t give up their big block V8 after the passage of the Green Leap Forward.

The ranks of the US military will be depleted, and everything that isn’t stolen will be scuttled by them on the way out.

The reality is much more likely that American civilians will be patrolling the streets with AT4’s and M-249 SAWs taken from a Guard Armory l with the doors deliberately left open, than 1st Armored will be rolling through downtown Texas in tanks.

This is what Leftist statists do no understand about America.

They see China, Russia and the Soviet Union before that, Venezuela, and other tyrannical countries where the military is loyal to Dear Leader and has no problems oppressing the civilian population, and they assume the US military is just the same.

Except it’s not.

Our military swears “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same” and following the President’s orders comes along somewhere after that.

You go right ahead and tell a bunch of enlisted men from Iowa or Alabama or Texas that they have to force civilians in Middle America to give up their civil liberties.  See how far that goes.

What I worry about is Leftists in America employing the same tactics as Leftists in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or Venezuela.  That is, enlisting Leftist thugs who are loyal to Dear Leader instead of the Constitution.

Essentially, putting Antifa in uniform.

But the idea of a helicopter gunship being used against Freedom Eagle Dot Facebook is laughable at this moment because one of Freedom Eagle Dot Facebook’s buddies is the Rotary Wing Aircraft Maintenance Specialist and he just tossed a grenade into the cockpit of said gunship when he found out that a sortie was going to be flown against a Middle American suburb.

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A list of State Gun Rights Organizations.

Our buddy Kevin Creighton recently took a job blogging for AmmoMan.com (Apparently you can actually make money blogging) and he has already done more for gun rights with one post that certain state group has done for the past two years: A list of State Gun Right Organizations. 

Unfortunately, the Geocities-looking websites of Florida’s Gun Right groups are listed to the embarrassment of Florida Gun Owners.

Maybe less Tactical OC fishing and more coding would be the sensible thing?

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Comments Rule for this blog.

I don’t think I have overly complicated rules, do i?

Now, if you come here with the sole purpose of showing how much smarter/prettier you are to buttress your ego, you will get removed.
Before, I just used to delete the post and give the offender the chance to not fuck up again. If that did not catch his/her, I’d move to full site ban.
But with age comes lack of patience. Starting today, you are a dick in the comments, you get tagged as spammer.  That means you will get not only screwed in this blog, but in whatever other blogs use spam filters.

Some of my readers know the joy as I have had to rescue their comments from the spam filter. I am nice enough to remove the Spammer tag so their comments may appear. Other blogs are not as generous.

So: Don’t be a dick.


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Dimmer v. Switch.

I read this and I am ashamed to say I should have posted it here when it came out.

A friend of mine who is a political activist said something interesting the other day, and that was for most people on the left political violence is a knob, and they can turn the heat up and down, with things like protests, and riots, all the way up to destruction of property, and sometimes murder… But for the vast majority of folks on the right, it’s an off and on switch. And the settings are Vote or Shoot Fucking Everybody.  And believe me, you really don’t want that switch to get flipped, because Civil War 2.0 would make Bosnia look like a trip to Disneyworld.

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha

The only thing that has held the peace so far is our side’s politeness and the knowing of History.

The Left firmly believes that “I know there will be casualties, but it won’t happen to me” while our side is suspiciously quiet about targeting material. And the joke about celebrities tweeting from refugee camps outside Ottawa?

<begin smile>


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Surprisingly not from Florida

Trigger warning:

Man allegedly hiding drugs in butt accidentally shoots himself in testicles


A bungling felon from Washington state made a series of blunders when he shot himself in the testicles and tried to hide the weapon — all while storing drugs in his anus, a report said Wednesday.

Don’t do drugs and handle guns, fellas.

Cameron Jeffrey Wilson, 27, was carrying a pistol in his front pocket while in his Cashmere, Wash., apartment on April 5 when the firearm accidentally discharged and pierced his groin and thigh, according to the Wenatchee World News.

This is why a pocket holster is important.

Wilson, who is a 13-time convicted felon, told his girlfriend to dispose of the weapon before heading to the hospital, the paper said.

But having an ass full of drugs is just fine.

When the ex-con finally went to the hospital, a balloon of marijuana slipped out of his anus while a doctor was operating on the gunshot wound, court records show.

Slipped out?

I’m pretty sure if I just shot myself in the balls and the doctor touched them, I’d shit myself too.

Cops also arrived at the hospital when alerted of the gunshot wound and searched Wilson’s car where they discovered a bag of meth in the blood-stained jeans he was wearing when he shot himself.

The officers issued an arrest warrant for Wilson and he turned himself in to police on April 18.

As he was being processed at the Chelan County Regional Justice Center, Wilson was strip-searched and another balloon of marijuana slipped from his anus, the paper said.

This can’t be real.  This has to be a comedy sketch.

While in jail, Wilson made a number of calls to his girlfriend and asked her not to cooperate with investigators working on his case. Authorities were listening in on the calls.

When you have 13 felony convictions already, illegal firearm possession, and a cornucopia of narcotics for an asshole, why not add conspiracy and witness tampering to the mix.  Might as well go for broke.

The convicted felon was charged with possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of meth, possession of a controlled substance in a correctional facility, and four counts of tampering with a witness.

What did I just say?

Wilson was being held on $110,000 bail and is due in court on June 18.

After you shoot your balls off, is there anything the justice system can do to you that is worse?

At least we never have to worry about this felon making any little future felons with his girlfriend if he ever gets out of prison.

I’ll be honest, when I read that headline, this is what first came to mind.



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