When you are ridiculed long enough: Florida B 1310: Minors Posting Firearms on Social Media. (Pending withdrawal)

Minors Posting Firearms on Social Media; Prohibiting the posting or publishing of a picture of a firearm, BB gun, air or gas-operated gun, or device displayed to resemble a firearm to social media by a minor; prohibiting storing a firearm in such a way that a minor obtains access to it without permission and posts a picture of it on social media; authorizing warrantless arrest when a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a minor has violated a specified provision, etc.
Last Action: 4/10/2019 Senate – Pending withdrawal

Yup, your kid was not going to be able to post a picture of him with his favorite Nerf gun on Instagram without having Law Enforcement bust in your house without needing a warrant and taking everybody to jail.

This is the fascist jackass who thought sending a SWAT team after your toddler for a picture with a toy gun was a good idea. He was the laughing-stock in several media outlets although not in enough of them for my taste.

His district covers parts of the Florida Key, the parts I thought were the nice ones. I guess things have changed down there since the last time I visited.

It was made official at closing of business today:

SB 1310 (2019) Minors Posting Firearms on Social Media
SENATE – Withdrawn from Judiciary; Criminal Justice; Rules
SENATE – Withdrawn from further consideration
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Florida: If we only had a quarter of Bloomberg’s budget.

But despite its efforts to influence policy in Florida, Everytown is already fighting efforts to change the very law it celebrated last year. The group spent more than $4 million in Florida during the 2018 elections, including $500,000 it gave to a political committee supporting Senate President Bill Galvano, who sponsored the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Act.

Galvano, R-Bradenton, initially included language last year in the bill allowing teachers to carry guns under the Coach Aaron Feis Guardian program, but after considerable pushback limited that provision to only faculty not exclusively teaching in the classroom. This year, following a recommendation by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Commission that trained and certified teachers be allowed to carry, the proposal is back before the Legislature and Galvano says he’s again open to the idea.

Gun-safety group that praised Florida lawmakers last year is now trying to stop them

Damn! Galvano got half a million bucks from Bloomberg? The initial info we had was $200K, but I guess  they figured more was better.  and Bloomberg spent $4 million in total not counting the free advertising the laws were getting from almost every single media outlet in the state and nationally.
When the first version of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission official report  came out, I tentatively predicted it was going to impact things, beginning with the media narrative that got established in the CNN Town Hall with Dana Loesch and now disgraced Broward Sheriff Scott Israel.  The Democrat Machine of Broward County and the Teacher’s Union had to spend a lot of political to save School Superintendent Runcie, failed to do the same with Israel and they are fighting tooth and nail. The “danger” of Senate Bill  7030  is not only that is moving but that all the amendments introduced to sabotage lifting the prohibition for volunteer teachers to train and carry in class have been defeated. It is pretty much a clean bill as it stands right now. While the House version (HB 7093  – School Safety )  got flooded by 53 amendments after being voted favorably by the Education committee (11-5 party line) and witness the failure in the Senate bill to pass amendments. And by the amount of them that were repetitive almost word by word and introduced  by different Representatives sporting the (D) after their names, I am guessing the School Union and the Democrats were in panic mode and uncoordinated. Eventually 27 of the amendments were withdrawn.
But there is another problem with the bills: It is not only about armed teachers but a whole bunch of stuff including monies for mental health screening and help of school children. In fact, the bill deals with the money set aside last year for School hardening and assistance to students and teachers would love to lay hands on it. Some of the amendments I read IIRC were in the tune of “Screw the guardian program, give us the cash. We will do security our way” which really does not inspire confidence.
The only two gun-related bills advancing in Tallahassee are the School Safety and the Safety of Religious Institutions. Anyone of them becoming law would represent a slap on Bloomberg’s and Shannon Watt’s face. Both becoming law?   A net loss of $4 million dollars and total embarrassment. And if none of the Gun Control Bills ever make it to commission discussion., it would be catastrophic for Gun Control in Florida.   They spent a year shoving David Hogg and the Parkland kids down our throats so they could ban “Assault Weapons” and evil automatic magazine clips, force Universal Background Checks and impose Gun Registration among many of their dreams.
Now imagine if we had one million dollars to use for Gun Rights in Florida. How nice would it be for a change to fight without both hands tied behind our collective backs? To be able to drop a couple of busloads of equally minded individuals and flood the Legislature’s hearings and addressing the members, visiting legislators at their offices and dropping boxes upon boxes of petitions. Parading in front of the media in such numbers they would have to reluctantly give us a coverage, specially when we stand next to the Mom Demand crowd. Hell, we could even hire some professional web designers to have a nice looking websites and Social Media presence!. And if we have the time, we can do some fishing to boot!
I also want a Dillon Mini Gun and free ammo to feed it for the rest of my life.
I can dream, can’t I?
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Swalwell isn’t going to take your guns, he’s going to make you sell them to him

Congressman Eric Swalwell has come up with a slogan that, I guess, is supposed to show how anti-gun he is without scaring gun owners.

So far he’s used it twice on camera that I am aware of.

With Good Morning America.


At his Parkland town hall and Presidential campaign announcement.



See, you get to keep your handguns and rifles and shotguns, but my “the most dangerous weapons” he means semi auto, military pattern rifles, and “those dangerous people” he means law abiding American citizens.

How do we know this?

Because he wants to buy back “every single assault weapon in this nation” which includes yours and mine and every other of the 15-20 million AR-15’s in private hands that have never been used n a crime.

This is a totally unfeasible proposal, but consider what he means.

He earnestly believes that law abiding American citizens with no criminal history or intent should be forced to give of their private property because he assumes they are too dangerous to be trusted.

And he wants to be President with that attitude.


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It’s Gillibrand’s turn to spread the NRA Blood Libel

I covered Cory Booker’s town tall where he answered a question about gun violence with the NRA blood libel.

It was Kristin Gillibrand’s turn to have a town hall with CNN, and decided to go with the same NRA blood libel talking point.

Clearly this is now part of the 2020 Democrat script.

Every statement that poured out of her mendacious lie hole was factually incorrect.  But you knew that.

The NRA doesn’t sell guns and it’s not financed by the gun industry.

Gun manufactures don’t want to sell guns to terrorist or criminals.  It is a disgusting smear of good, patriotic Americans who work in the industry.

I can’t imagine that there are several hundred people working in a factory only a few miles from my house that want the guns that they  make to fall into the hands of criminals and terrorists, to be used to kill innocent people, just so that they can make a buck.

But say that people in the gun industry were really that soulless, the liability of that minority of sales versus the revenue isn’t worth it as the PLCAA doesn’t protect a company from criminal acts.  Knowingly selling a gun to a terrorist is just bad for business.

Gillibrand wants to get elected.  She wants power.  She knows that gun violence scares people.

So she is going to demonize and dehumanize tens of thousands of patriotic Americans working in the gun industry and some six million NRA members, scapegoating them for violence that is not their fault to get votes.

She is accusing a minority of a few million Americans as people who want to contribute to the deaths of innocents for profit and self satisfaction.

This is the blood libel.

It make sense that the same party that has so ready adopted antisemitism has made the blood libel part of their 2020 platform.

As the 2020 primary campaign moves forward and every Democrat has the opportunity to invoke the NRA blood libel, you know the rhetoric will only get worse as candidate take more and more extreme positions to set them selves apart from the pack.

I’m just curious who will be the first Democrat to propose a final solution to the NRA question, as that is where this kind of language leads.

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Did you know about the Rossi Revolvers Recall?

I posted about it back in October last year and today I got another piece of snail mail about a class action settlement plus $50, etc.

Anyway, go to Rossi Revolver Safety Warning and check on you gun even if you did it before. I got some work order form with a UPC bars and that I will be contacted… I guess with shipping instructions and what nots.


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Florida: HB 403 – Safety of Religious Institutions voted favorable by Education Committee

Safety of Religious Institutions: Authorizes religious institution to allow concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee to carry firearm on property of institution for certain purposes.

I was amazed at the vote: Total Yeas: 15, Total Nays: 0, Total Missed: 3, Total Votes: 18. This is the bill where Moms Demand has lied so bad, they got spanked verbally by legislators.

Next, it goes to the House Judiciary and then I guess the full floor. I find myself slightly optimistic.

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