By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on ““Peaceful protester” upset that armed civilians would not let her commit arson.”
  1. Didn’t we learn that in Portland.

    Their definition of fascism is not bring given the free range to destroy everything that they want.

  2. Thanks again for the Heinlein quote. It should be taught in every school… but of course, it does not conform to the “narrative.”

  3. Imagine if that was a squad of National Guard and a pair of State Police instead? The rioters would have kept their distance. Imagine if they brought in 500-1,000 National Guard instead of “125 soldiers to guard critical infrastructure?” Yes they kept the GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS (mostly) from being burnt out. Private businesses? Look at the smoke drifting across the parking lots. Democrats don’t give a flying F.

    You are on your own.

    1. They can bring as many National Guard troops as they want. It’s all window dressing without arming orders and appropriate ROE/RUF.

      “Arming orders” is the series of written orders defining what equipment — including weapons and ammunition — the troops bring with them. There are documented cases where the NG was deployed without weapons, or with weapons but no ammunition (when they were deployed a year or two ago to beef up security along our southern border, they had empty magazines in their rifles; that’s what the arming orders said).

      On top of that, the ROE/RUF (Rules of Engagement/Rules for the Use of Force) can be so restrictive that even if they have weapons and ammo, they can’t do anything.

      These are mostly Blue states; it’s the Governors who decide where to deploy NG troops, in what numbers, and with what equipment. Unless federalized by the Commander-in-Chief (that would be President Trump), they stick to those orders. Do you think for a second a Democrat Governor will authorize deploying NG troops with lethal weaponry against the “mostly peaceful protesters”?

    1. Was David Dorn armed?
      I notice that the guy in the video has a camera on his helmet. Good move. That will allow him to show what really happened when the bad guys create fake videos of fake outrages.

      1. That’s a good question, and I don’t know the answer.

        As for the camera on the guy’s helmet, it *is* a good move so long as whatever footage cannot be memory-holed by miscreants if the guy and his crew are overwhelmed. I’m not necessarily a fan of putting stuff on “the cloud,” but this is a case where continual out-of-area storage of files (and trustworthy people who can find/access them) would be a good idea.

        1. Yes. I’ve done some thinking about that in the context of body cameras. You need real time off site storing of the data, and that data has to be digitally signed and timestamped. The off site storage for backup; the digital signatures to prevent tampering (or more precisely, to ensure tampering is detected).

          1. A simple solution will be to buy a cheap smart phone, load Facebook and whenever you need, go live. Unless you delete it, Facebook keeps your stream. Destroy the phone and the enemy can’t access the footage. And the footage can be downloaded by anybody watching your live stream.

          2. Too many years ago I was asked to consult with our local PD as they were pondering switching from black and white film to digital. They needed a way to be able to prove that an image was untampered.

            It came down to printing a copy of the image with a digital signature. It is a real painful bookkeeping problem.

            I think that in the end they just said “well we’ll know if the image is modified. The modify date will change.”

            1. Wow, the stupidity of that conclusion just exceeds all comprehension. A good lawyer would have a field day with that.
              As for keeping digital signatures, if the people building that system think it’s a difficult bookkeeping problem the solution is to find competent people to do the work. It should take an average programmer a day or two.

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