This just popped in my Facebook timeline.

Carefully crafted title suggesting a bill in the legislature is about to ban phones, the most beloved possession for Americans in the 21st Century, while driving.  You click in the link and you start to notice a slight change.

Two members of the Florida Legislature have introduced bills aimed at preventing distracted driving in the state – bills that include punishments for everything from cell phone use to petting your dog while behind the wheel.

Rep. Jackie Toledo and Sen. Wilton Simpson, both Republicans from the Tampa area, told the Tampa Bay Times that the state needs stricter laws for safer roads.

Petting Your Dog, Applying Makeup Among No-Nos in Proposed Florida Distracted Driver Bills

Them eeeevil Repubs! They don’t want you to use the smart phone for anything? You no longer will have your GPS to guide you and what if you see an accident or your kids are calling with an emergency? Fucking Nazis!

Of course and as I always recommend, go straight to the source and read the bill’s latest version to find out what’s the truth. The fact is you can use your phone as long as it is in a safe manner which implies Hands-Free.

So yes, you can make and receive calls, use the GPS and even listen to Spotify as long as you are not fidgeting with the phone while doing 75 mph in the Turnpike.  But the chance of painting Republicans as nazi was apparently too tempting for NBC 6, the same station that edited George Zimmerman’s 911 call to make him sound racist.





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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.