A bunch of kids and their activist guardians showed up at Senator Diane Feinstein’s office and tried to bully her into signing the Green New Deal.

They made a lot of horseshit claims like the world will end in 12 years and we can afford the GND because we spend too much money on the military.

Seriously, watch:

To her credit, Senator Feinstein chastises these kids.  They deserved to be chastised.  Everything they said was factually incorrect and motivated by a hard line ideology.

Truth be told, Senator Feinstein deserved this, because this is the same tactic she has pulled on us for gun control.  Using kids and other victim groups to push for gun laws that are based on ideas that won’t work, using erroneous non-facts to justify them.

We need to take a lesson from Feinstein here, and when she and her ilk try to pull this on us, it is our duty to stare them down and tell them no because they are wrong.

Whiny kids should not be setting policy on anything.  Full stop.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Taking a lesson from Diane Feinstein”
  1. …except that weak/poor parenting, combined with a decreasing ability to provide discipline in schools, has taught kids than whining and misbehaving will in fact get them what they want most of the time.

  2. The whiniest child on the stage right now is AOC, who is shoveling the largest amount of this horseshit per tweet. And unfortunately, these kids are trucking what she is shoveling by the bucketful.

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