From the Daily Mail:

‘I had to remind him that he was a black person’: Chelsea Handler explains why she called out 50 Cent for endorsing Trump over Biden’s supposed tax hikes for the rich

Chelsea Handler said she was compelled to scold her ex-boyfriend 50 Cent to remind him that ‘he’s a black person, so he can’t vote for Trump’ and said she’d ‘go for another spin’ if the rapper ‘publicly denounces’ the president.

Earlier in the week, the comedian made headlines for taking the rapper to task on Twitter after he endorsed Trump for reelection over word of a 62 per cent tax that Joe Biden supposedly wants to put on people making over $400,000 in New York City.

‘Hey f**ker! I will pay your taxes in exchange for you coming to your senses. Happily! Black lives matter. That’s you, f**ker! Remember?’ Handler tweeted to 50 Cent on Wednesday.



Here is the video:

This progressive rich white woman had to remind a black man about his place in America, which is dutifully and unquestioningly vote for Democrats.

I’m not a fan of 50cent’s music, but I will say this as an absolute principle:

Paying 62% in taxes reminds me of what the plantation owners did to slaves or medieval lords did to the serfs, where they had to tend all the master’s/lord’s fields but were only allowed to keep the food from a tiny plot of land set aside for them for personal consumption.

Nobody should be forced to do that under any circumstance.

Handler might as well have put on a white hood and told him “get back behind that plow and support your master.”

Don’t take my word for it, this is what Kanye West has to say on this topic.

The most mind-blowing part of this is where “[she] said she’d ‘go for another spin’ if the rapper ‘publicly denounces’ the president.”

Imagine the ego and sense of entitlement that it takes for a 45-year-old used up white woman to think that her vagina was worth a black man debasing himself by apologizing for his political endorsement and then giving up his democratic franchise and voting for who she wants.

Somebody tell Chelsea Handler that her application to the Klan has been accepted.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Progressive, rich, celebrity, white woman is incredibly racist (as you’d expect)”
  1. This reminds me of the exchange I saw where someone posted “as a Black person this doesn’t bother me” and a white wokester posted “I care more about your race than you do”

    Actually that was more polite the Chelsea Handler, who deserves divine retribution for being such a garbage tier person

    1. The ‘Vanguard of the Proletariat” always knows more than the poor saps asleep in their False Consciousness delusions.

  2. Who the hell bases their political opinion on what a celebrity says? (Oh, wait! Jennifer Aniston just endorsed Biden! Now I know how to vote!)
    (Maybe my indifference to the 50-Cent-Chelsea Handler controversy has something to do with the fact that I couldn’t pick either one of them out of a lineup, unless they were the only two in it.)

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