By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Quote of the Day”
  1. Years ago I read a book about some of the secret ops carried out by the CIA during the Cold War. One unit was tasked with smuggling Soviet and East German scientists into the US along with all the technical information they had on weapons, nukes, etc.

    One of the officers was stationed in West Germany and would cross the border into East Germany to help get assets out.

    He would carry a 25 ACP baby Browning tucked up between his nuts and butthole in an extra tight pair of Jockeys because he knew the East German soldiers at the checkpoints wouldn’t search him that deeply.

    One day he got nabbed by East Germany security. He’s held and at one point he says he has to take a piss. He’s escorted to a place where he can do that. Digs out his baby Browning and pops the German soldier guarding him point blank in the throat with it. Enough knockdown to get his AK away and make a run for it to a safe house and then back over the wall.

    Probably the only confirmed kill with a 25 ACP that I’ve ever heard of.

  2. “He would carry a 25 ACP baby Browning tucked up between his nuts and butthole in an extra tight pair of Jockeys because he knew the East German soldiers at the checkpoints wouldn’t search him that deeply.”

    Schweddy Balls holster? Taint armament?

    Jokes almost write themselves. LOL!

  3. I talked to three people that were shot with a .25. One was shot in the abdomen he said it hurt but didn’t take him out of the fight. The second was shot in the hip. He said he sat down and cried while his partner took care of the shooter. The third guy was shot in the face. The bullet went in his mouth and knocked out some teeth and broke his jaw and then came out his eye. That knocked him down but after a few seconds he got up and grabbed the shooter, who then proceeded to empty the gun into his body. He survived but was messed up for a long while.
    On the other hand about 25 or thirty years ago there was a shooting at MARTA guy killed 5 or 6 with seven shots of .25. Its easy to make fun of it but it will kill you.

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