Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Wednesday afternoon urged people to turn in their guns, arguing it would be an appropriate response to last week’s mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

House Dem: ‘Turn in your guns’
Says she who is protected by the The United States Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department (D.C) and the FBI investigates if she feels somebody is making funny jokes about her.

I want every single protection detail removed from all three branches of Government (yes, President included) make them live like that for one presidential period before they have the balls to attempt imposing restriction on my personal defense and my Second Amendment rights. I’ll be nice and allow them to carry guns….of course only if they are properly trained, fingerprinted and pass a background check. I figure certain members of Congress will have to do without guns due to their checkered past.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: “Turn in your guns!””
  1. I’m in favor of the “walk a mile in a real person’s shoes” challenge.

    While we’re at it, anybody who DOESN’T qualify to carry a gun should immediately be removed from their position. If you can’t be trusted with a gun, there is NO WAY we should trust you with the most powerful nation in the world.

  2. As much as I disliked reading “Animal Farm” in highschool (mainly cuz they required me to read it and made me take tests on it), I shudder at the parallels I’m seeing in DC today. “All animals are created equal….some are just more equal than others.” Yeah. While we’re at it, we need to require all three branches to pay into Social Security, and once they retire or are voted out, to live off of that. And Medicare…no more free health benefits for life.

    I’d also like to say that, as a Texas resident, I did NOT vote for this woman.

  3. ” ban people under 21 from possessing semiautomatic assault weapons.”

    So does that mean that the minimum age for military service will also be raised to 21? If we can’t trust young adults to own and use a rifle responsibly, why would we let them have access to a full auto assault rifle?

    I never have figured out what a semiautomatic assault weapon is. It must be something that lives in liberal minds.

  4. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!
    Their hypocrisy, their elitism, their disconnect from reality…it burns.

    I take solace in knowing that God will one day ask them about their abuse of power, of their callous disregard for their fellow citizens, of their poor use of the powers they were bestowed. Lee, Feinstein, McCarthy are all guilty of abusing the Constitution and have made a mockery of the very oath that they swore to protect it.

    Hint, they should consider their record on the Second Amendment. They are not fellow Americans. They are the fifth column.

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