Here is the line up.

The poor missus likes chicken while I can’t even stand to smell the darn thing. But in an effort to keep her happy and now that we have an air fryer, I went looking for runs for chicken and after reading some, the three in the middle were bought and tried.

Kick’n Chicken is a bit hot and she hates that kind of stuff being pepper her upper limit. Not bad tasting. But she was heartily approval of the other two: Roasted garlic and Herbs and Beer Van Chicken. I seasoned one drumstick each and she could not make her mind which she liked best.  They are not expensive at all and easy to find. I got those in Publix.

LawDog’s recommendation of Head Country is also certified by me as great on beef, specially grilling. In fact I took delivery last week of a 26 oz. jar so I don’t run out of the good stuff soon. Not so easy to find locally so I ordered online.

And my well known favorite for anything pork: McCormick’s Grill Mates Brown Sugar Bourbon. It even goes well on a Congress spending bill. Also available at your local big grocery store.

In the background> a pepper grinder and granulated garlic. I am from Spanish stock, (almost) everything can use garlic and don’t fight me on this one because I have not been attacked by vampires ever!

There you have it.  You can have that spectacular meal the Fourth of July while open carrying firearms and dedicating every piss you take to the asshole Dr. Fauci who wants to cancel our most sacred festivity to satiate his ego.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Rubs and spices used by yours truly (mostly)”
  1. If you want to be the hero, you need to get her some “Grub Rub.” I find it at Kroger, HEB (Texas) and I have even found it at Academy Sports back in the grilling section. I’m tellin’ ya, she will love it. I apply it liberally. My wife is like yours, black pepper is about the upper limit on heat, for her.

  2. There’s always ordering online…

    I tend to use simple rubs. There’s got to be a dozen in the cabinet that are almost never used. Most of what I use is brown sugar (the zero carb kind – Swerve brand), garlic powder, onion powder, a little kosher salt, pepper. I might put in a dash or two of cayenne, ancho chili, or a smoked chipotle powder. My wife will like foods more bitter and more spicy than I do, but will eat what I mike.

    There’s a billion and six on the market. Finding something you like is the hard part.

  3. We’re partial to the concoctions from Anthony’s Spices in Arizona (by mail order). Those range from moderate to very hot, including a mix that is mostly habanero flakes. 🙂 But their chipotle mix is quite nice, smoky as the label indicates with a bunch of other spices including, somewhat surprisingly, rosemary.

  4. Do any of those you’re recommending contain msg? My wife has a significant, unpleasant reaction to it, so anything containing it (including, unfortunately, most oriental restaurants) is ruled out.


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