Talk radio great Jamie Allman filed a Sunshine law request for the actual emails of St. Louis County residents who’ve snitched on local entrepreneurs trying to make a living. Most of the complaints were unfounded, involving people “turning in” companies that were deemed essential by the county.

But reading the actual complaints reveals just how terrified the media and corrupt academics have made good people. The complainants are truly scared. They believe that Coronavirus kills almost everyone who gets infected. They believe that washing your car, hitting golf balls at a range, or playing singles tennis can spread the disease to many people.

The 900-page file of complaints is, ultimately, sad. What could be more depressing than a mother begging government officials to put her daughter out of work? Or women asking the county to shut down their fiancé’s company?

St. Louis County Releases ‘Snitch Files” – Local Citizens Who Called County Government to Snitch on Business Owners

I am laughing hard just thinking at the many individuals that will be applying for unemployment in the next days for being stupid and petty.


And instruction so simple, even a caveman can do it.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Schadenfreude Alert: A bunch of Snitching Karens got Outed in St Louis”
  1. “But reading the actual complaints reveals just how terrified the media and corrupt academics have made good people. The complainants are truly scared.”

    I’m not really sure I believe either of these sentences.

    Some may in fact be good people, and some may truly be scared. Others, though?

    Some people seem to take a delight in seeing other people “get theirs,” almost like watching an addict get a hit. Are those good people? Are they truly scared? Or do they get a thrill from seeing others punished?

    Me, I get POd when I see people playing on the local golf course … but not because they’re there standing closer than 6′. Rather, somehow, the golf course is allowed to be open, but the local (outdoor, with many shooting stations, far apart) rifle range is closed. That doesn’t make me want to turn these people in. No, my anger is directed towards our state’s power-hungry knows-what’s-best-for-everyone governor.

  2. “But reading the actual complaints reveals just how terrified the media and corrupt academics have made good people. The complainants are truly scared.””

    You left out corrupt politicians, and petty dictators who are not able to have a dickmeasuring contest as part of the PTA or HOA because of the lockdown. Which leaves them tattling as their only outlet to push people around.

  3. Guess they forgot the golden rule: “Don’t be a dick towards others if you don’t want them to be dicks towards you.”

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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