[Debora] Juarez, Blackfeet, says she began receiving “really vile” messages July 10, after protesters shared her home address and contact information online.

“They put my personal cellphone number, my address and started putting pictures of my home and address on Twitter and Facebook, and then I started getting vicious calls,” Juarez said.

Protesters have showed up at her house by the dozens a few times, shining their car headlights into her windows at night and using a bullhorn to chant and hurl insults, she said. She stayed at a motel one night and warned family members to keep away.

People also spray-painted names such as “corporate bootlicker” and obscene messages on her street, and they continue to send her harassing and threatening texts.

Protesters threaten Indigenous Seattle council member

And she is not a conservative either, just the opposite. But apparently she did not vote the way the “peaceful protesters” wanted and/or held heretic thoughts which invalidated her stay at the political reservation and she became a bad revolutionary “injun,” a traitor in need of punishment.

Sorry, but I could not care about your problem. You are from the same group that created these bastards and swore they could be controlled and would never fear being on the receiving end of their  revolutionary pressure tactics. Your side was warned that history showed otherwise, but you all chose to ignore it. Now you get to enjoy it.

“This is my life. This is home. This is not Coachella. This is not City Hall,” Juarez said. “Also, I’m not the toxic dumping ground where you need to come talk about your white privilege and how you need to talk about Black lives, because you sure as f—k don’t care about my life.”

You selfish woman! Your life can and will be sacrificed in the altar of the Revolution if needed to advance the fight to liberate the “oppressed” and you better like it. You will either be a teaching moment or a martyr, it is up to you which and enjoy it.

Hat Tip ManNirf

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Seattle Native American City Council member spanked for leaving the reservation”
  1. Welcome to public office.

    You literally made yourself a public figure. That comes with consequences. Especially when you have a “good when it happens to other people but not to me” mentality.

  2. Silence still is violence.

    Either loudly proclaim your support and enduring love for the mob, or the mob will turn on you.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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