So the answer is “Yes, I’ll pack the court, but I don’t want to say it and mobilize the shit out of the Trump base and any wishy-washy Republicans.”

Also, can we put all this horseshit aside about SCOTUS and an election.  None of that is in the Constitution.  The President has the right to nominate a Justice and the Senate has the authority to confirm or reject.  It’s that simple.  When a vacancy opens up, the President nominates.  If the Senate is of the same party, they confirm.  If not, they reject.

“But the people have the right to weigh in… blah blah blah.”  We weighed in in 2016 when Trump was elected and 2018 when the Senate stayed in the hands of the Republicans.

This is just a bullshit stall tactic and it’s annoying as fuck.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “So the answer is “yes””
  1. Nobody had told Joe what he is going to do in regards to packing to court. How do you expect him to tell the voters if he doesn’t know yet.

    Maybe Harris will let him know at some point.

    1. More likely he was instructed to say just what he said. It’s bad optics to openly admit that you are going to pack the court when the left is just wrapping up a long campaign of accusing Republicans of this “heinous anti-democratic crime”, but at the same time he needs to reassure the leftist voters that this is EXACTLY what he plans to do. It’s just not something he can openly avow.

  2. It’s not even a good stall tactic, there’s always some upcoming election whenever there’s a vacancy. Half of everything politicians do is campaign for office, it’s never ending.

  3. In a perfect world the dems will become irrelevant in everything we do. To help that along stop watching the news and supporting any leftist “news” organizations. Everthing they do is extremely old and tiring.

  4. That answer was really amazing.
    The thing to consider: it’s a very bad political move to say this. But presumably the actual answer he would be politically worse. Ponder that for a moment…

  5. The Dems are afflicted with an overinflated sense of self righteousness. They are the only ones that should be in power, because they are the only ones with the plans that will work.

    When Harry Reid pulled the nuclear option for low level Obama appointees, he did it with full confidence that the Dems would always hold a simple majority in the Senate, and Hillary was going to win the Presidency. Which meant that changing the rules to screw over the other party had no potential bad consequences.

    So they change the rules again, and again, and again. Get rid of the Electoral College (prevent another conservative President), mandatory mail in voting, pack the courts, etc… Not a single move is made without the intent of preventing the other party from having a say.

    And, they know they are gaming the system, and if caught it will make them look bad, and possibly cost them the election. So, they remain silent, and when asked, deflect the question from packing the court, to who should nominate a Justice in an election year.

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